It is best to place a full stop at the end of Psalms 78:2, and connect Psalms 78:3 thus:

The things which we have heard and known,

And our fathers have told to us,

We will not hide from their sons,

Telling to another generation the praises of Jehovah,

And his strength and his wondrous works that he hath done.

With line 2 cp. Psalms 44:1; Judges 6:13.

-From oursons" might have been expected rather than -from theirsons": but the pronoun theiris significant. It implies that the trust was committed to the speakers by their ancestors not for themselves only but for future generations. Excellently Keble:

"The tale our fathers used to tell

We to their children owe."

The praises of Jehovahare His praiseworthy acts. Cp. Psalms 22:3; Psalms 22:30-31. For wondrous workssee note on Psalms 71:17. Cp. Psalms 145:4 ff.

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