Psalms 79 - Introduction

The occasion of this Psalm has already been discussed in the Introduction to Psalms 74. It consists of three stanzas. i. The Psalmist tells God of the invasion of His land, the desecration of His Temple, the destruction of His city, the slaughter of His servants, the reproach of His people (Psalms... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:1

Cp. Jeremiah 51:51; Lamentations 1:10; and for the desecration of the Temple cp. Psalms 74:7; Ezekiel 7:21-22. _the heathen_ Lit. as in Psalms 79:6_; Psalms 79:10_, the nations: but where, as here, the nations are in antagonism to God and His people, the rendering _heathen_may be retained. _thine in... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:1-4

The Psalmist tells his grief to God: His land is overrun by heathen, His temple is desecrated, His city is in ruins, His people are slaughtered, the survivors are the scorn of their neighbours.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:2

The horrors of a remorseless slaughter were aggravated by the disgrace of the corpses being left unburied, in accordance with the threats of the law (Deuteronomy 28:26) and prophets (Jeremiah 7:33; Jeremiah 8:2; Jeremiah 9:22; Jeremiah 15:3; Jeremiah 16:4; Jeremiah 19:7). _thy servants … thy saints_... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:3

_like water_ Freely, and as though it were of little worth. Contrast Psalms 116:15. _none to bury_them] Cp. Jeremiah 14:16. This passage is quoted freely in 1Ma 7:17 with reference to the murder of certain Assideans by the high priest Alcimus, "He took of them threescore men and slew them in one day... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:4

A repetition of Psalms 44:13, with the change of -thou makest us" to -we are become." Cp. Psalms 80:6; Ezekiel 22:4; Ezekiel 25:6 ff. Daniel 9:16 combines this verse with Psalms 79:8 _a_.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:5

How long, Jehovah, wilt thou be angry for ever? (How long) shall thy jealousy burn like fire? As in Psalms 13:1, faith combines two questions into a self-contradictory expression. _How long_and _for ever_are characteristic words of Psalms 74 (Psalms 74:1_; Psalms 74:10; Psalms 74:19_). Cp. Psalms... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:6

_upon the heathen_&c. Not upon the nations as such, but upon the nations which refuse to acknowledge Jehovah, and make havoc of His people. Render with R.V., that know thee not … that call not upon thy name.... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:7

_his dwelling place_ R.V. his habitation, marg. _pasture_: a different word however from _pasture_in Psalms 79:13. Psalms 79:6 recur in Jeremiah 10:25. At first sight it would appear that the prophecy must be earlier than the Fall of Jerusalem, and that the Psalmist must be quoting from the prophet... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:8

Remember not against us the iniquities of our forefathers (R.V.). For these sins Israel in the Exile knew that it was suffering (Lamentations 5:7), in accordance with the warnings of the law (Exodus 20:5). For the phrase cp. Jeremiah 11:10. But the next verse shews that the Psalmist does not claim t... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:9

_for the glory of thy name_ Lit. _for the sake of the glory of thy name_(Psalms 29:2; Psalms 66:2). If Thou art not moved by the sight of our sufferings, at least be jealous for Thine own honour, lest the heathen should think that Israel's God is powerless to help His people. _purge away_ Or, _make... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:10

_Wherefore_&c. The same plea in Psalms 115:2 (cp. also Psalms 115:1 with Psalms 79:9); Joel 2:17. Cp. Exodus 32:12; Psalms 42:3; Micah 7:10. _let him be known_ Better: Let vengeance for thy servants" blood that is shed Be made known among the heathen in our sight. Defer not vengeance to some fut... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:11

The same phrases recur in Psalms 102:20. _thy power_ Lit. _thine arm_, a word which recalls the memories of a glorious past (Exodus 15:16; Psalms 44:3). _those that are appointed to die_ Lit., _the sons of death_. It is not necessary to understand these expressions literally of prisoners sentenced... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:12

_our neighbours_ Cp. Psalms 79:4: the nations around, such as the Ammonites, Moabites, and Edomites, which instead of sympathising rejoiced at Israel's calamity. Cp. Ezekiel 25. _sevenfold_ Cp. Genesis 4:15; and contrast Christ's law of forgiveness, Matthew 18:22. _into their bosom_ A metaphor from... [ Continue Reading ]

Psalms 79:13

Concluding vow of thanksgiving. Israel will then be able to render its tribute of unceasing praise to its Lord and Shepherd. _sheep of thy pasture_ Cp. Psalms 74:1, note; Psalms 80:1. _thy praise_ Cp. Psalms 74:21; Psalms 78:4. To set forth Jehovah's praise was Israel's mission, Isaiah 43:21.... [ Continue Reading ]

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