like water Freely, and as though it were of little worth. Contrast Psalms 116:15.

none to burythem] Cp. Jeremiah 14:16. This passage is quoted freely in 1Ma 7:17 with reference to the murder of certain Assideans by the high priest Alcimus, "He took of them threescore men and slew them in one day, according to the words which one wrote, The flesh of thy saints and their blood did they shed round about Jerusalem, and they had none to bury them." Clearly the meaning cannot be that the Psalm was written with reference to that event, for by that time (b.c. 162) the situation of affairs was wholly different from that described in the Psalm. Judas had won many victories, and the Temple had been re-dedicated. Moreover the Psalm implies a much more extensive slaughter of Israelites, and that by heathen, not by a treacherous Israelite. There is probably another reminiscence of Psalms 79:3 in 1Ma 1:37, "They shed innocent blood on every side of the sanctuary, and defiled it."

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