These verses contain the sum of the promise to David and his seed (2 Samuel 7:5 ff.) which is expanded in Psalms 89:19 ff. It is in relation to this promise in particular that the poet intends to sing of God's lovingkindness and faithfulness. Almost every word is taken from the narrative of 2 Samuel 7. For -David my servant" see Psalms 89:5; Psalms 89:8; Psalms 89:26, and cp. Psalms 89:19; Psalms 89:25; Psalms 89:27: for -establish" see Psalms 89:12; Psalms 89:16; Psalms 89:26: for -for ever" see Psalms 89:13; Psalms 89:16; Psalms 89:24; Psalms 89:26; Psalms 89:29: for -seed" and -throne" see Psalms 89:12; Psalms 89:16: for -build" see Psalms 89:27. -Chosen" represents Psalms 89:8 (cp. Psalms 78:70 f.). -Covenant" however does not belong to the phraseology of 2 Samuel 7 (but see 2 Samuel 23:5); nor is the promise spoken of there as confirmed by an oath.

The introduction of God as the speaker without any prefatory -Thou hast said" is surprisingly abrupt. It is possible that the word has dropped out. But Hebrew leaves much to be understood, and misunderstanding is here impossible.

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