For who in the sky can be compared unto Jehovah?

Who is like Jehovah among the sons of God,

A God greatly to be dreaded in the council of the holy ones,

And to be feared above all that are round about him?

God's nature is unique, incomparable. Even among celestial beings there is none that can be compared with Him.

The phrase bnç çlîm, found elsewhere only in Psalms 29:1, denotes angels. It might be rendered sons of the mighty, describing them as mighty celestial beings; or sons of the gods, beings "belonging to the class of superhuman, heavenly powers" (Cheyne); but it is best taken as a doubly-formed plural, and rendered as in R.V. marg., sons of God(El); synonymous with bnç Elôhîmin Job 1:6; Job 2:1; Job 38:7.

With Psalms 89:7 cp. Isaiah 8:13. The angels form the council of the great King (Job 15:8, R.V. marg.; Jeremiah 23:18; Jeremiah 23:22), but He towers above them all in unapproachable majesty.

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