Cp. Psalms 50:15; Psalms 50:23.

honour him Or, glorify him. Cp. Jeremiah 30:19.

with long life Lit., with length of days(Deuteronomy 30:20; Proverbs 3:2; Proverbs 3:16); in fulfilment of the ancient promises, Exodus 20:12; Exodus 23:26 ("the number of thy days I will fulfil"), and in contrast to the destruction of the wicked, Psalms 91:7.

satisfy Cp. Psalms 90:14

my salvation Visible manifestations of God's Providence proving His care for His people, such as the author of Psalms 90 desired to see, and especially the deliverance from Babylon. Cp. Psalms 98:2-3. Each such manifestation was a harbinger of the final Messianic glory which is the goal of O.T. hope. In the light of N.T. revelation the words of the verse gain a new and larger meaning (1 John 5:11; 1 Peter 1:5 ff.).

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