Once more the Psalmist celebrates Jehovah's recent manifestation of His sovereignty. In Psalms 96 the universality of His kingdom, here the judgement by which it has been manifested, is the prominent thought.

i. Earth is bidden to rejoice at the establishment of Jehovah's kingdom. The awfulness of His Advent, the moral foundation of His rule, and the irresistibleness of His might are described (Psalms 97:1-3).

ii. But lately the earth has trembled at His Presence; His righteousness and His majesty have been openly proclaimed (Psalms 97:4-6).

iii. The idol-worshippers and their pretended gods are put to shame, while Zion rejoices in His triumph (Psalms 97:7-9).

iv. Let Israel respond to His call by dutiful obedience and glad thanksgiving (Psalms 97:10-12).

Thus the Psalm consists, like Psalms 96, of four equal stanzas. The first two describe the coming of Jehovah to judgement, in symbolic language borrowed from descriptions of the great Theophanies of old; the last two describe its consequences for Israel and for the nations.

The author of this Psalm was not an original poet, but he was a masterly hymn-writer. There is scarcely a phrase in the Psalm which is not borrowed; but he combines the language of earlier Psalmists and Prophets into a "costly mosaic" with a skill which is worthy of the occasion. He makes us feel that he has been deeply moved, and inspired to recognise the greatness of the crisis.

In the LXX the Psalm is entitled (A Psalm) of David, when his land was restored[54]. The latter part of this title rightly points to the Restoration from Babylon as the occasion of the Psalm.

[54] For καθίσταται, Vulg. restituta est, cf. Isaiah 49:8, τοῦ καταστῆσαι τὴν γῆν

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