Title and description of the Revelation. Chap. Revelation 1:1-3
1. _The Revelation_ Rightly so rendered in English idiom, though the
definite article is not expressed in the Greek. The word, according to
Jerome on Galatians 1:11-12, is peculiar to the Scriptures, and is not
used by Greek classical... [ Continue Reading ]
_who bare record_ i.e. who bears witness in the present work. The past
tense is used, as constantly in Greek e.g. in St John's own Epistle,
I. Rev 2:14 of the act of a writer which _will_be past when his work
comes to be read. The "witness" John is said to bear is that contained
in this Book not, as... [ Continue Reading ]
_he that readeth, and they that hear_ Plainly the author of the Book,
or of this endorsement of it, contemplates its being read publicly in
the Church. The apostolic Epistles were thus read, first by the
Churches to which they were addressed, then by others in the
neighbourhood (Colossians 4:16): ev... [ Continue Reading ]
Prologue, Revelation 1:4-9
4. _John_ The Apostle, the son of Zebedee, who (probably afterwards)
wrote the Gospel: see Introduction.
_seven churches_ The number of course is symbolical or representative:
there were other churches in Asia, e.g. at Colossae and Hierapolis
(Colossians 4:13). But the S... [ Continue Reading ]
_who is_ These words are probably inserted in the A. V. and R. V. by
way of marking the fact that "the faithful Witness" is in the
nominative, not in apposition to the name "Jesus Christ." But whether
this has the same object as the anacoluthon of the previous verse a
sort of reverence that forbids... [ Continue Reading ]
_and hath made_ Lit., AND HE MADE; the construction "that loveth …
and that freed …" is broken off, to be resumed by "to Him" in the
next clause.
_kings and priests_ Read, A KINGDOM, PRIESTS: a phrase synonymous with
the "royal priesthood" of 1 Peter 2:9. That is an exact quotation from
the LXX. ve... [ Continue Reading ]
This verse, as indeed may be said of the whole Book, is founded
chiefly on our Lord's own prophecy recorded in St Matthew 24, and
secondly on the Old Testament prophecies which He there refers to and
sums up.
_with clouds_ "With _the_clouds," "he clouds of heaven" of Daniel
_and they also whi... [ Continue Reading ]
_Alpha and Omega_ The first and last letters of the _Greek_alphabet
used, as in Rabbinical proverbs the first and last letters of the
_Hebrew_alphabet were, as symbols of "the beginning and the end."
These latter words are not here a part of the genuine text; they come
from Revelation 22:13.
_Lord_... [ Continue Reading ]
_I John, who &c._ Better and more simply, 1 JOHN YOUR BROTHER AND
PARTAKER WITH YOU (for the condescending choice of titles, cf. 1 Peter
collocation of the latter words is peculiar, and it is not very clear
why "the kingdom" should be pl... [ Continue Reading ]
Vision of the Son of Man, Revelation 1:10-20
10. _I was in the spirit_ Was caught into a state of spiritual
rapture. Song of Solomon 4:2 and (nearly) Revelation 17:3; Revelation
21:10; cf. 1 Kings 18:12; Ezekiel 3:12; Ezekiel 3:14; Ezekiel 37:1;
also... [ Continue Reading ]
_I am … the last: and_ Not genuine in this place: we therefore
cannot say positively that the voice is His Who says in Revelation
1:17 "I am the first and the last:" but the context makes it probable.
_which are in Asia_ Not genuine in this place.
_unto Ephesus, &c._ The seven cities are enumerate... [ Continue Reading ]
_to see the voice_ The meaning is obvious, and the inconsequence of
language characteristic.
_candlesticks_ Or lamp-stands (Matthew 5:15). The ancients did not use
candles like ours: the _candela_was rather a torch.... [ Continue Reading ]
_one like unto the Son of man_ There is no article with either noun,
while in the title of our Lord "the Son of Man" in the Gospels and in
Acts 7:56 it is expressed with both. The inference is, not that our
Lord is not intended, but that the title is taken, not from His own
use of it, but direct fro... [ Continue Reading ]
_like wool, as white as snow_ Either these words are to be taken
together, -like wool white as snow" or we must punctuate "were white
like white wool, like snow." Though the Person seen is the Son of Man
of Daniel 7:13, the description is more nearly that of the Ancient of
Days, ibid. 9. We need not... [ Continue Reading ]
_fine brass_ Decidedly the most probable sense, though the etymology
of the word is obscure. It looks like a compound of the Greek words
for "brass" (or more accurately bronze) and "incense" the latter being
borrowed from the Hebrew name, which comes from a root meaning
"white." Perhaps the real mea... [ Continue Reading ]
_he had_ Lit. HAVING, and so the sword "going" out of His mouth.
Throughout the book, participles are used coordinately with finite
verbs, especially in descriptions: perhaps rather by a Hebraism than a
mere carelessness of construction.
_out of his mouth, &c._ The image is perhaps suggested by Isai... [ Continue Reading ]
_I fell at his feet as dead_ So Daniel 8:17 sq., Daniel 10:8-9; Daniel
10:15 (Ezekiel 1:28; Ezekiel 43:3; Ezekiel 44:4 do not necessarily
imply so much): cf. Exodus 3:6; Exodus 20:19; Exodus 33:20;... [ Continue Reading ]
_l am alive_ The words "was" and "am" are emphatic contrasting His
temporal and temporary death with His eternal life: see on Revelation
_Amen_ Should be omitted.
_of hell and of death_ Read, OF... [ Continue Reading ]
_Write_ Add THEREFORE The Lord reveals His exaltation in His Manhood
as a reason why His servant is not to fear and is to write His words
in faith and hope.
_the things which are_ Some take these words to mean "what they (viz.
the things which thou hast seen) are," i.e. what they mean. But it is
sim... [ Continue Reading ]
_the mystery_ The use of this word in the N. T. is not very far
removed from its primary meaning in classical Greek. We may paraphrase
it, "the hidden divine truth, now made known, but made known to God's
favoured ones only:" see Ephesians 3:3-12 for the completest
illustration of its meaning. Here... [ Continue Reading ]