Revelation 15 - Introduction
The Seven Vials. Chaps. 15, 16... [ Continue Reading ]
The Seven Vials. Chaps. 15, 16... [ Continue Reading ]
_another sign_ Besides those of Revelation 12:1; Revelation 12:3. Here preparation is made (as in Revelation 8:2) for another sevenfold series of visions. Some have attempted to see a sevenfold series in the three preceding Chapter s its elements being the successively appearing figures of the Woman... [ Continue Reading ]
The Triumph of the Victors over the Beast, Revelation 15:2-8 2. _a sea of glass mingled with fire_ Probably describes an optical appearance much like that of Revelation 21:18; Revelation 21:21. It gives no reason for doubting that this is the same sea of glass as in Revelation 4:6: it is not till n... [ Continue Reading ]
_the song of Moses_ Exodus 15 the song of God's redeemed people, delivered from their enemies, and confident of coming, _but not come yet_, "unto the rest and to the inheritance which the Lord their God doth give unto them." There is probably no allusion to their coming from the "Red Sea" of martyrd... [ Continue Reading ]
_holy_ Not the same word as is applied to God in Revelation 4:8 &c., but ordinarily used of human piety or holiness and in that sense applied to our Lord, in His human character, in Hebrews 7:26. It is only used of God here and in Revelation 16:5 (the true text): in both places the sense is that God... [ Continue Reading ]
_the Temple … was opened_ Revelation 11:19. For the phrase "Tabernacle of the Testimony" (or "Witness" the word is the same) cf. Acts 7:44: see Numbers 1:50). "Was opened in Heaven" would give the sense, more accurately than the order of the A. V.... [ Continue Reading ]
_having_ We should probably read "which had": we see in Revelation 15:7 that they did _not_come out having them. _white_ More accurately, BRIGHT. _linen_ R. V. "arrayed with _precious_stone, pure _and_bright" following a strange reading "stone" (the Greek word differs only by one letter), which is... [ Continue Reading ]
_vials_ See on Revelation 5:8.... [ Continue Reading ]
_smoke_ Isaiah 6:4. _no man was able_&c. Exodus 40:35; 1 Kings 8:11.... [ Continue Reading ]