The Seventh Vial. Preliminaries of Judgement, Revelation 16:17-21

17. into the air Lit. upon the air, according to the best reading.

of heaven Should be omitted, but of course it is the heavenly Temple that is meant. Here it seems that the Throne (that of Revelation 4:2) is inside it: but see on Revelation 4:6. Though coming from the Throne, this voice is not defined, like that of Revelation 21:5, as the voice of Him that sat on it: but comparing Revelation 21:6 it is possible we ought to take it so.

It is done More literally, it is come to pass: but the same word is used in St Luke 14:22, where of course the A. V. is right. God's great Judgement has notcome to pass yet, but everything has been done to prepare for it. "One who had fired a train would say -It is done," though the explosion had not yet taken place," and, we may add, might use the same words again when it had, as in Revelation 21:6.

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