The Judgement of the Great Whore. Her Pomp. Chap. 17 Revelation 17:1-6
1. _one of the angels_ So Revelation 21:9: cf. Revelation 5:5.
_I will shew unto thee the judgement_&c. Which had been exhibited, and
described in general terms, in Revelation 16:19: but the seer is now
to have a nearer view of... [ Continue Reading ]
_with whom the kings_, &c. Isaiah 23:17.
_the inhabiters_&c. Jeremiah 51:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
_in the spirit_ Cf. Revelation 1:10; Revelation 4:2; Revelation 21:10.
_into the wilderness_ In Isaiah 21:1 the situation of the ancient
Babylon is apparently conceived as in a desert: and in fact Babylonia
has been reduced to one, despite its unsurpassed natural fertility. It
_may_be relevant to c... [ Continue Reading ]
_arrayed in purple and scarlet colour_ Protestant interpreters have
been fond of applying this description to the robes of Roman bishops
and cardinals: and perhaps not altogether unjustly. See Introduction,
pp. 57, 58.
_decked with gold_ Lit. GILDED WITH GOLD: perhaps illustrated by the
contemporar... [ Continue Reading ]
_upon her forehead_was _a name written_ Probably not branded on the
flesh, but tied on as a label, as Roman harlots actually did Wear
their names.
_Mystery_ Interpreters compare "the mystery of lawlessness" in 2
Thessalonians 2:7. The use of the word in Revelation 1:20 may
illustrate its meaning he... [ Continue Reading ]
_with the blood of the saints_&c. Revelation 18:24.
_martyrs_ See on Revelation 2:13.
_admiration_ Better, WONDER, the substantive used being cognate to the
verb. Of course "admiration" is not meant in the modern sense of the
word.... [ Continue Reading ]
The Interpretation of the Mystery, Revelation 17:7-18
7. _Wherefore didst thou marvel?_ Again the word should be WONDER. For
the angel's surprise at the seer not comprehending at once, see on
Revelation 7:14.
_I will tell thee_ The "I" is emphatic: "_I_will tell thee, since
_thou_findest it so str... [ Continue Reading ]
_was, and is not_ On the whole, ancient tradition where it speaks, and
modern criticism, agree in the interpretation of these words. _Nero_,
who killed himself in June a.d. 68, "had been, and was not" at the
date of this vision: but his reappearance was looked for by many, with
various feelings of h... [ Continue Reading ]
_And here_ Omit "and." Compare Revelation 13:18. As there, the words
seem to indicate that "the mind which hath wisdom" will recognise the
meaning of the image, though it is obscurely expressed. But the
"wisdom" required is not merely the faculty of guessing riddles it is
the wisdom enlightened from... [ Continue Reading ]
_And there are seven kings_ Rather, AND THEY [the seven heads] ARE
SEVEN KINGS: they have a double significance standing _both_for the
seven mountains and the seven kings.
Who are these kings? According to the view mentioned on Revelation
13:2, that the Beast is not the Roman Empire, but an embodim... [ Continue Reading ]
_even he is the eighth_ Perhaps rather, BOTH IS HIMSELF THE EIGHTH,
_of the seven_ is most easily understood "is one of the seven" i.e.
the eighth emperor of Rome, in whom the antichristian spirit of the
empire finds its personal embodiment, will be a revival of one of his
seve... [ Continue Reading ]
_the ten horns_&c. Comparing Daniel 7:8, we can hardly doubt that
these horns represent kingdoms related to the Roman Empire as the
kingdoms of the Diadochi to that of Alexander. Such are the principal
kingdoms of modern Europe: and in the recognition of this fact lies
the key to mediaeval and to mu... [ Continue Reading ]
_shall give their power and strength_&c. Cf. Revelation 16:14;
Revelation 19:19-20.... [ Continue Reading ]
_These shall make war with the Lamb_ See the same passages.
_Lord of lords, and King of kings_ Revelation 19:16; Daniel 2:47.
_they that are with him_ Revelation 19:14.
_called, and chosen, and faithful_ All common titles of
_Christians_applied even to the imperfect Churches on earth.... [ Continue Reading ]
_The waters_&c. Some compare Isaiah 8:7 for the use of _waters_as an
emblem of _multitudes_.... [ Continue Reading ]
_upon the beast_ Read, AND THE BEAST: he (in his personal advent) and
they will act together, against Babylon as well as against the Lamb.
_shall hate the whore_ Though she had been the object of their
unchaste love, Revelation 17:2, and will be of their passionate
regret, Revelation 18:9. Nero's t... [ Continue Reading ]
_For God hath put in their hearts_&c. The very same "judicial
blindness" is spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:11.
_to agree_ Lit., TO MAKE, (or COME TO,) ONE MIND, (or ONE WILL): cf.
Revelation 17:13.
_and give their kingdom unto the beast_ He therefore, though a
representative of the Roman Empire, wi... [ Continue Reading ]
_that great city_&c. Again as in Revelation 17:9 the designation of
Rome is unmistakeable. The words cannot be glossed, "Babylon is (now
represented by) Rome," but must mean "Babylon _is_Rome."
_which reigneth_ Lit., WHICH HATH KINGDOM, or KINGLY POWER.... [ Continue Reading ]