declared Better, defined, marked out by sure signs. Same word as Hebrews 4:7 ("He limitetha certain day"). His Resurrection shewed Him to be none other thanthe Son. The same Greek word is used in e.g. Acts 10:42; Acts 17:31; and rendered there "ordained;" perhaps rightly so. But obviously its meaning will slightly vary as connected with the Sonshipor with the Judgeshipof Christ.

the Son of God Cp. Acts 13:32-33, for a close parallel; one of the many between St Paul's Discourses and Epistles. The Sonship of the Redeemer, the truth proclaimed at His baptism (Matthew 3:17), is enforced and illustrated through the N. T. In this Epistle see especially cch. Romans 5:10; Romans 8:3; Romans 8:29; Romans 8:32.

with power Lit. in power. Cp. 1 Corinthians 15:43. Powerattended and characterized His Resurrection, both as cause and as effect. The practical reference here is to the fulness of the proof of the fact. The true Resurrection was not such as that imagined by e.g. Schleiermacher; the creeping forth of a half-slainMan from his grave. It was miracle and triumph.

according to the Spirit of holiness This phrase presents two questions: (1) what is "the Spirit of Holiness"?(2) what is meant by "according to"?We take them in order. A. "The Spirit of Holiness" must mean either the Holy Paraclete, or the sacred Human Spirit of Christ, or His Deity regarded as (what it is, John 4:24,) Spirit. The reference here seems to be to the Paraclete; for (1) in this Epistle He is very frequently referred to, in a way which makes an initial reference here highly probable; (2) the expression "Holy Spirit" is so closely akin to "Spirit of Holiness" that any reference of the words other than that to the Paraclete would need special evidence; and such evidence can hardly be found in St Paul. (See 1 Timothy 3:16; Hebrews 9:14; for the nearest approaches to it in N. T.) B. The words "according to" may refer to the Paraclete, either (1) as the Agent in the Incarnation (Luke 1:35), or (2) as concerned in the Resurrection (see Romans 8:11 for a very partial parallel), or (3) as the Inspirer of the Prophets. Of these possibilities (1) is most unlikely, for the Sonship of Christ here in question is plainly the EternalSonship (see Romans 9:5), not that of the Incarnation; (2) accords better with Scripture usage; but (3) far more so, in view of the frequent mention of the Holy Spirit as the Inspirer. See Acts 20:23; 1 Timothy 4:1; Hebrews 3:7; Hebrews 9:8; Hebrews 10:15, (and cp. 1 Peter 1:11); for places where "the Spirit" is evidently the Holy Spirit as the Author of Prophecy. The present passage will thus mean: "He was declared to be the Son of God, with power, (even as the Holy Ghost foretold,) in consequence of the resurrection."

by the resurrection Lit. out of, from; i.e. in consequence, as a result, of. The same construction and meaning occur e.g. 2 Corinthians 13:4, where lit. "He was crucified out ofweakness; He liveth out ofthe power of God; we shall live out of, &c." The grand resultof the resurrection here stated is that His prophesied character and dignity were, by the resurrection, made unmistakably clear.

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