the fall Same word as in Romans 11:11. See note there.

the riches "The unsearchable riches of Messiah," (Ephesians 3:8,) which "on occasion of" the rejection of Messiah by the Jews were preached to the "world" of the Gentiles.

the diminishing The Gr. word, by analogy with cognate words in the classics, invites the rendering "defeat." But it stands here in plain contrast to that rendered "fulness;" and so should be interpreted a lessening, falling short, in respect of numbers. Unbelief in Messiah reducedto woeful fewnessthe "Israel" which was really in covenant. More and more it proved to be a mere "remnant." And the causes which brought this about were also, under God, the causes of the spread of the Gospel to the Gentiles.

how much more their fulness? The better cause shall produce a better effect. "Their fulness:" i.e. the filling up of their numbers. The true Israel shall at length include a vastly larger proportionof Israel the nation, whether or no the nation shall be literally allbrought in. See further below, on Romans 11:15; Romans 11:26.

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