every one of us Because the prediction (finally to be fulfilled when Messiah finally triumphs) emphatically speaks of "everyknee, everytongue."

give account of himself] "Himself"is, of course, emphatic. The Christian is dissuaded from "judging" by the remembrance that his Judge will ask him hereafter for his own"peculiar book [46]," not for his neighbour's.

[46] The phrase is borrowed from Herbert's pregnant little poem, "Judgment:"Almighty Judge! how shall poor wretches brookThy dreadful look,Able a heart of iron to appal,When thou shalt callFor every man's peculiar book?"But I resolve, when Thou shalt call for mine, Thatto decline;And thrust a Testament into Thy hand.Let that be scann'd;There Thou shalt find my faults are Thine."

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