It hath pleased them verily Lit. For they were pleased; an exact repetition of the first words of Romans 15:26; a note of kindly irony. St Paul was far from thinking with realcoldness of these gifts of Christian love: see 2 Corinthians 8:9.

and their debtors they are "Debtors" is emphatic. The two reasons stand side by side; the givers" goodwill, and their duty.

For if the Gentiles, &c. Lit. For if (or as) the Gentiles shared in their spiritual things, they are bound even in fleshly things to serve them. "Even in fleshly things:" i.e., as well as in spiritual things. Such should be their gratitude as to think no service, however earthly its guise, beneath them. "To serve them:" the verb is cognate with the Gr. of "minister," Romans 15:16; where see note. It is significant here: the Gentiles should look on their charitable gifts as a solemn and sacredservice, as at an altar.

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