Now I say Better, on documentary evidence, For I say. St Paul here expounds the words "Christ received you," by shewing the bearing of the Lord's Work on the salvation alike of Jewish and Gentile believers. And in so doing he reminds the two Sections of the holy Bond in which they stood united.

Jesus Christ Better, simply, Christ.

a minister of the circumcision i.e. One who came to serve the circumcision;to labour for Israel. See His own words, Matthew 15:24.

St Paul mentions first the Lord's work for Israel, then His work for the Gentiles. Cp. Romans 1:16.

for the truth of God for the sake of it; to secure its vindication. "The Truth" had foretold that the Redeemer should be of the seed of Abraham, Judah, David.

to confirm By being their Fulfilment.

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