
21. Timotheus my workfellow Cp. especially Philippians 2:19-22 with this brief allusion to this singularly beloved and honoured friend and helper of the Apostle. His name appears in eleven Epistles; Romans, 1 and 2 Cor., Phil., Colossians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Tim., Philem., Hebr.

Lucius Perhaps the same person as Lucius of Cyrene, (Acts 13:1). He is sometimes identified with St Luke (Lucas); but there is no good evidence for this. The names Luciusand Lucas(Lucanus) are quite distinct.

Jason Perhaps the same as Jason the Thessalonian; Acts 17:5-7; Acts 17:9.

Sosipăter Perhaps the same as Sopater the Berœan; Acts 20:4. That Sopater perhaps started from Corinthwith St Paul on the journey to Asia there mentioned.

my kinsmen See on Romans 16:7. Lucius bore a Roman name; Jason and Sosipater, Greek names.

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