Romans 2 - Introduction

A. RABBINIC DOCTRINES; MERIT, PRIVILEGE, &c. (Cch. 2, 3) The following extracts from the Talmud are from the late Dr A. M Caul's _Old Paths_. The original Rabbinic, as well as the reference, is there given in each case. (On the Talmud as evidence to opinion in St Paul's day, see just below, Append... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:1

Romans 2:1-16. Human sin, continued: Jews and Gentiles equal in guilt and peril: gradual approach to the Jewish question 1. _Therefore_ It is difficult to state the precise bearing of this word; the exact premiss to which it refers. It is, perhaps, best explained by a brief statement of the apparen... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:2

_we are sure_ This is spoken as by the Apostle, not as by the Jew. He solemnly repeats the thought that man knows that judgment is to come. _judgment_ The original word is almost always in N. T. used of _adverse_decision, and in most cases of the _execution_of the sentence, as in the next verse. _... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:3

_that thou shalt escape_ "_Thou_" is, of course, emphatic. We must remember how often the Jews of that age clung to national privilege as if it were personal immunity. It was a saying, that to live in Palestine was "equal to the observance of all the commandments." "He that hath his permanent abode... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:4

_the riches_ A frequent word with St Paul, in reference to Divine goodness and glory. See Romans 9:23; Romans 10:12; Romans 11:33; Ephesians 1:7-8; Ephesians 2:7; Ephesians 3:8; Ephesians 3:16; Philippians 4:19;... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:5

_after_ ACCORDING TO, in a way traceable to. _hardness_ INSENSIBILITY, whether to love or reason. _treasurest up_ Possibly this word alludes to the "riches" of Romans 2:4; q. d., "the Divine store of loving-kindness is exchanged by the sinner for the Divine store of holy wrath". _unto thyself_ Em... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:6

_who will render to every man_, &c. According to the promise, Matthew 16:27; Revelation 22:12. (Note that the very phrase used here of the Father, is used there of Himself by the Son).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:7

_to them who by patient continuance_, &c. More lit., TO THOSE WHO ACCORDING TO PATIENCE OF (i.e. IN) A GOOD WORK SEEK, &c.; i.e., who, in that method, by that path, seek for eternal bliss. "_Patience_" here, as often in N. T., practically means active patience, perseverance. (Cp. Luke 8:15; Hebrews... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:8

_contentious_ Lit. OUT OF PARTISANSHIP, or FACTIOUSNESS; (the same construction as "of the truth;" John 18:37). The phrase implies connexion and attachment; as here, "those who belong to, can be classed under the character of, the factious." The "faction" in question is that of the sinful soul agai... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:9

_tribulation and anguish_ Both words, in Greek as well as in English, indicate the crushing and bewildering power of great grief or pain. "_Anguish_" is the stronger of the two; for see 2 Corinthians 4:8, where the original of "distressed" is cognate to that of "anguish" here. It is remarkable that... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:10

_glory, honour, and peace_ A beautiful return to the thought of Romans 2:7, as if out of an abundance of inspired love and hope. "_Peace_" may here bear a special reference to the _peace of acceptance_, of which the Epistle is to say so much. Not that this would exclude the larger meaning of all saf... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:11

_for there is no respect of persons_ "_For_" points to the last words of Romans 2:10, and shews that though St Paul has just emphasized the special privilege of the Jew, ("to the Jew _first_,") as balanced with his special accountability, yet his main emphasis of thought is on the position of the Ge... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:12

_For as many as have sinned_ The equality of Jew and Gentile is here pursued, not (as might have been expected from Romans 2:11) in the direction of privilege, but in that of responsibility and judgment. The reason for this direction is, no doubt, that the main subject of the Epistle here is sin and... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:13

_for not the hearers_ A parenthesis is usually begun here, and continued to the close of Romans 2:15. We prefer to dispense with it, for reasons to be given there. The present verse is naturally connected with the close of Romans 2:12. "The _hearers_of the law:" as we too speak of "_hearers_of the G... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:14

_For when the Gentiles_, &c. The connexion marked by "_for_" is not easy to state. We take it to refer (_over_Romans 2:13, which is an explanation of the previous words) to Romans 2:12, and to be connected with the words "shall perish without law." _How_this shall be St Paul now suggestively states,... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:15

_which shew_ The relative pronoun is the same as in Romans 1:25, where see note. It marks a condition: "they are a law to themselves, INASMUCH AS, &C." _shew the work of the law written in their hearts_ "_The work_of the law" has been explained as if collective for "_works;_" but this is ill-support... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:16

_in the day_, &c. This sentence is often connected with the close of Romans 2:12. But the parenthesis is thus, even in the style of St Paul, highly difficult and peculiar; and Romans 2:13 stands in close natural connexion with Romans 2:12. Meanwhile the sequence of Romans 2:16 on Romans 2:15 is not... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:17

Explicit exposure of Jewish responsibility, guilt, and peril 17. _Behold_ Better, BUT IF. A single additional letter in the Gr. makes this difference; and it should certainly be so read. The framework of the sentence is thus somewhat altered: "But if thou art a Jew, and dost glory in the name and p... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:18

_his will_ Lit. THE WILL. Cp. 3 John 1:7, where the original is "for the sake of _the_Name." Possibly the phrase here was a "stereotyped" formula, which St Paul quotes. But in any case its form (as that of the parallel above) is one of peculiar solemnity and dignity. _approvest the things that are... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:19

_thou thyself_ Strongly emphatic. The person supposed is not only sure of the privileges of Jews in general, but of _his own_spiritual competency, by virtue simply of his position and light. Surely the Apostle is recalling, in part, his own ideas as a Jewish Rabbi of "the straitest sect;" and we ma... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:20

_the foolish_ THE THOUGHTLESS. Same word as Luke 11:40; 1 Corinthians 15:36; Ephesians 5:17, &c. _hast the form_, &c. Read, HAVING IN THE LAW THE FORM OF KNOWLEDGE AND OF TRUTH. "The _form:_" same word as 2 Timothy 3:5, where certainly it means _outward form_as separate from inward life. Here the sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:21

_Thou therefore_, &c. In this and the following verses St Paul does not charge every individual Rabbinist with immorality. He exposes the spirit and principles of Rabbinism, as evinced and proved only too abundantly in multitudes of lives. Not every unconverted Rabbinist was a thief or adulterer; bu... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:22

_commit sacrilege_ Lit. PLUNDER SACRED THINGS, or PLUNDER FROM SACRED PLACES. The Gr. word is the same as that translated "robbers of churches," Acts 19:37. The idea of plunder is not necessary in the word, however; other forms of sacrilege may be included. Thus the reference may be to such profanat... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:23

_dishonourest_ DISGRACEST. The crimes of Jews made their Lord's "name to be blasphemed among the Gentiles;" as, alas, the name of Christ is, for exactly similar reasons, often blasphemed among the heathen now.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:24

_as it is written_ In Ezekiel 36:20-23. In that passage the special reference is to the evil example of the dispersed Jews of the captivity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:25

_For circumcision verily profiteth_ With this verse a minor section or paragraph begins. The thought is not in. strict sequence with what has just been said, though in full connexion with the same general subject. "_Profiteth:_" for comment on this word, see Romans 3:1. Circumcision was the gate to... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:26

_Therefore_, &c. St Paul reasons from his last statement, as from what is self-evident to conscience. _the uncircumcision_ i.e., probably, "the uncircumcised man;" for see below, "_his_uncircumcision." The form of speech is most unusual; such a word as "uncircumcision," when used personally, almost... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:27

_uncircumcision which is by nature_ Better, THE UNCIRCUMCISION, &c.; a phrase not easy to explain exactly. Perhaps (though the Gr. of the two passages is not quite parallel) we may illustrate by Galatians 2:15: "Jews by nature," Jews born and bred. Here thus the sense would be "Gentiles born and bre... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:28

_he is not a Jew_ Obviously, in the sense of exclusive privilege. Q. d., "If a Jew means (as the word would mean from Pharisaic lips) a member of a body which is specially entitled to salvation, then a Jew is not made by physical circumcision, for a title to salvation must be sought in things spirit... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 2:29

_inwardly_ Lit. IN THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN, IN SECRET; same word as Matthew 6:4, &c. Just above, "outwardly" is lit. IN THAT WHICH IS OPEN. The contrast is between an external seal on the body and an internal change in the soul. See 1 Peter 3:4 for an illustrative phrase, "the hidden man of the heart.... [ Continue Reading ]

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