Romans 3 - Introduction

A. RABBINIC DOCTRINES; MERIT, PRIVILEGE, &c. (Cch. 2, 3) The following extracts from the Talmud are from the late Dr A. M Caul's _Old Paths_. The original Rabbinic, as well as the reference, is there given in each case. (On the Talmud as evidence to opinion in St Paul's day, see just below, Append... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:1

Romans 3:1-2. The advantage of the Jew: Revelation 1. _What advantage_ Lit. WHAT EXCESS, i. e. of privilege. St Paul here corrects, though only in passing, the possible inference from the previous passage that circumcision was valueless in all respects, and that the Jew as such had nothing special... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:2

_every way_ For a comment see Romans 9:4-5; part of an argument of which this verse may be regarded as the germ or first suggestion. _chiefly_ Lit. FIRST. Perhaps this is the first step in an enumeration which is not carried on. Cp. Romans 1:8. But the rendering "_chiefly_" is quite possible and na... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:3

_For what_ Here a formula of argument, introducing an objection. _if some_ A euphemism, most natural in the words of a supposed _Jewish Opponent_. As a fact, it was the "some" who believed, the many who did not; as of old at Kadesh-barnea. (Numbers 13:14.) _the faith of God_ i.e. His GOOD FAITH, f... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:3-8

The Divine Judge will not connive at sin 3 8. _For what if some_, &c. Romans 3:3-8 form a passage of much difficulty in detail, though clear as a whole. The difficulty results partly from a doubt as to where the Opponent speaks, and partly from the Apostle's own thought modifying the words put into... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:4

_God forbid_ Lit. MAY IT NOT BE; BE IT NOT; and so always where the words "God forbid" occur in the Eng. N. T. The Apostle more than accepts the opponent's position, but not in his sense. God's promise should indeed stand; the mere thought of a failure there is shocking. But that promise had never s... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:5

_unrighteousness … righteousness_ General terms, but implying the special forms of _unbelief_and _fidelity_. Man's mistrust is awfully _unjust to God;_God's fidelity to His promise is _just to Himself_and His holiness. See below on Romans 3:21 for the _exceptional_meaning here of "_the Righteousness... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:6

_how shall God judge the world?_ The emphasis is on "judge," not on "world." It is needless to suppose the word "world" here to stand in opposition to _the Jewish people_. The point of the question is, that if God could not righteously punish sin when sin illustrated His glory, not only would He not... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:7

_For if_, &c. Here St Paul takes up the Opponent on his own ground; speaking as a human being whose sin (e.g. a falsehood) serves to make God's truth "abound to His glory;" i.e. be more largely manifest in a way to win Him fresh praise: in such a case is not Paul, is not A, B, or C, equally entitled... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:8

_And not rather_, &c. The grammatical difficulty of this verse is great. The words, up to the brief last clause, are a question. This question is introduced (like that in Romans 3:5) by the particle which _expects a negative reply_. But again the drift of the reasoning seems to demand, though not so... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:9

Man universally and fatally guilty: no hope in human merit. This with special reference to Jewish prejudice 9. _What then? are we better?_ i.e., probably, "we Jews." The effect of the last passage has been specially to convince _the Jew_of his sin and danger; and here the Apostle speaks, as he was... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:10

_There is none_, &c. In Romans 3:10-18 we have a chain of Scripture quotations. The originals are found, verbally or in substance, in Psalms 5:9; Psalms 10:7; Psalms 14:1-3; Psalms 36:1; Psalms 140:3; Proverbs 1:16; Isaiah 59:7. In the Alexandrine MS. of the LXX. of... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:13

_an open sepulchre_ Perhaps as "_uttering abomination_." "Emitting the noisome exhalations of a putrid heart (Bp Home on Psalms 5:9).... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:19

_the law_ Here not the Pentateuch, but the O. T. as a whole. So John 10:34; John 15:25. The O. T. does indeed predict and reveal much of redeeming mercy; but its main characteristic work (apart from prophecy) is to reveal the _preceptive will_of God and the sin of man. _under the law_ Lit. IN THE L... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:20

_Therefore_ This verse sums up the great argument begun at Romans 1:18, and more especially that begun at Romans 2:1. The Apostle has laid deep the foundation of the fact of universal and intense sinfulness and guilt. Now he will, in the true order, speak of the Divine Remedy. _deeds of the law_ i.e... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:21

The Divine method of holy pardon, alike for all 21. _But now_ i.e. "But as things are, as the fact is." Here the great argument of Pardon and Salvation begins, to close with the triumphant words of Romans 8:37-39. _the righteousness of God_ See note on Romans 1:17. In Romans 3:5 this phrase had a... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:22

_even_ Perhaps translate BUT, i.e. with a sort of contrast to the words just before. The "righteousness" was witnessed indeed by the O. T., _but_it resided in Christ and His work. _faith of Jesus Christ_ FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST is certainly the meaning. The same Gr. construction occurs in Mark 11:22;... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:23

_all have sinned_ Lit. ALL SINNED: the Gr. aorist. Probably the time-reference of the tense is to the original Fall of Man, regarded as involving the individual experience of sinfulness in the case of each person. See however on Romans 1:19. _come short_ A present tense. The result of the Fall is th... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:24

_being justified_ A present tense; indicating a constant procedure, in the case of successive individuals. _freely_ Lit. GRATIS, GIFT-WISE. Same word as John 15:25 ("without a cause," E. V.); 2 Corinthians 11:7; Galatians 2:21 ("in vain," E. V.; i.e., "without equivalent result"); 2 Thessalonians 3... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:25

_hath set forth_ Lit. DID SET FORTH; the aorist (see on Romans 3:23). The Gr. verb bears also the derived meaning "to purpose, design," (so Ephesians 1:9), which would not be unsuitable here. But the E. V. is made more probable by the context, which dwells on the fact of the _manifestation_of redemp... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:26

_at this time_ The word translated "time" means usually OCCASION, "special time," "due time." Same word as ch. Romans 5:6. Such a sense is natural here. The "declaration" of God's righteousness in pardon was made not only "at this time," as distinct from a previous age (that of the O. T.), but "at t... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:27

_boasting_ Lit. THE BOASTING; i.e. probably "the boasting of the Jew in his pride of privilege." This reference is supported by the next three verses, especially if "for" is read in Romans 3:28 (q.v.). _It is excluded_ Lit. IT WAS EXCLUDED, by the "declaration" made in the Redeemer's death. _the l... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:28

_Therefore_ Another reading of the Gr. gives FOR. Evidence of MSS., &c. is strong on both sides: but the internal evidence, in the coherence of the argument, is decidedly for "_For_." Romans 3:28 is then a _resumé_of what has gone before; a brief restatement of the "law of faith:" q. d. "for this _i... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:30

_seeing it is one God_ This ver. may be lit. rendered thus: IF INDEED GOD IS ONE, WHO WILL (AND HE WILL) JUSTIFY THE CIRCUMCISION IN CONSEQUENCE OF FAITH, AND THE UNCIRCUMCISION BY MEANS OF ITS FAITH. "_If indeed_" is an argumentative formula, assuming its hypothesis to be true. Q. d., "God is one;... [ Continue Reading ]

Romans 3:31

_Do we then_ This verse stands very much by itself, a sort of brief paragraph. A serious objection (on the part of the Jew) is anticipated and strongly negatived; but the discussion of it is postponed. It springs out of what has gone before, but is not connected closely with the next passage. _make... [ Continue Reading ]

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