if i.e. as. The hypothesis is also a fact.

enemies Personalenemies; the proper force of the Gr. word. Cp. Colossians 1:21. See below on Romans 8:7.

reconciled to God On "reconciliation," see on Romans 5:1. Here certainly the idea of the conciliation of man's will to God(as a result of the Propitiation revealed) is suggested. But even here it is scarcely the main idea. The language, carefully weighed, points more to God's acceptance of the sinner than to the sinner's acceptance of God. For the case is put thus: "When we were enemies, God was gracious to us:much more (as to our apprehension) will He be gracious to us still." How was He gracious to us then? Surely by the gift of justification (see Romans 5:9). As our Judge, He acquitted us; in other words, He was reconciled to us, and adopted us. Therefore, as our reconciled Father, He will surely be equally gracious to us still. Through this context St Paul has not yet come to the result of pardon on the will. When he here uses the phrase "reconciled to God" it is evidently with main reference to the removal of a judicial bar. Absalom, for instance, was reconciled to David restored to his filial position only when David put aside his just wrath: till this was done, no change of will in Absalom would be reconciliation.

by the death As propitiation, with a view to justification; Romans 3:24-25.

being reconciled He does not say "being friends;" which, as just stated, is not yet the idea in point. The barrier of condemnationis taken away; therefore à fortiorithe Judge, who is also the Father, will continue to us His love.

we shall be saved See on Romans 5:9.

by his life Lit. in His life. The "in" here is probably strictly appropriate: "in His life" = "in Him who lives." The justified are "in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). Cp. Colossians 3:4, where the reference to the final appearing of the Saviour, (the appearing to judgment and salvation,) serves to explain this passage. Q. d., "We shall be saved in the day of the Lordbecause He, who died for us, ever livesas our Life."

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