in that he died Lit. that which He died; His dying, in all that it involved. So below, that which He liveth.

unto sin i.e., as the previous argument shewed, "with reference to the claimof sin;" to meet and cancel it; and therefore so as now to be out of reach of its doom.

once once for all, "once and for ever." The word here is not necessary to the argument, but it enforces, by contrast, the continuousness of His life. It also, though less pointedly, suggests the completeness of the atonement, and so the greatness of its results. (On the latter reference see Hebrews 7:27; Hebrews 9:12; Hebrews 10:10; where "once," "once for all," is the same word as that here, in the Gr.).

unto God i.e. with respect to God; as having obtained (representatively for us) God's acceptance, and having thus entered on an immortal permanence (representatively for us) of joy and power before Him. (The same phrase, but with different special reference, occurs Luke 20:38.)

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