Elimelech i. e. God, or my God, is king; an ancient name in S. Palestine, occurring in the Amarna tablets, Ilu-milki 179, 36; 151, 45, though the form Milk-iluis commoner; in Phoenician we find the corresponding Baal-milk=-Baal is king," NSI., p. 347. Naomion the surface appears to mean my sweetness, a name like Hephzi-bah (2 Kings 21:1) expressive of the mother's joy in the new-born child; more likely it is an Aram. fem. form of Naamân, i.e. sweet, pleasant one, which gives a clear parallel to Marah = bitter onein Ruth 1:20; Wellhausen compares the Aram, names Oḥorân and Oḥarî, and the Arab. Nu-mân and Nu-mâ, Composition d. Hex.2, p. 358 n. The meaning of Mahlonand Chilionis not quite certain; if it is weakening and piningthe names may have been chosen for their significance.

Ephrathites Apparently Ephrath was the name of the district round Beth-lehem; cf. 1 Samuel 17:12, and see Genesis 35:19; Micah 5:2; Psalms 132:6.

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