to her mother's house although Ruth's father was alive, Ruth 2:11; but the natural place for the female members of the family would be their mother's tent or house, cf. Genesis 24:28; Genesis 24:67; Song of Solomon 3:4.

the Lord deal kindly with you, as ye have dealt Cf. Psalms 18:25 -with the kind thou shewest thyself kind." Jehovah's kindnesswas specially needed by the widow, for her condition was regarded as a reproach, Isaiah 4:1; Isaiah 54:4. The Book of the Covenant makes no provision for the widow (Exodus 22:22 is a later expansion); contrast the humanity of Deuteronomy 24:19-21; Deuteronomy 27:19.

On her marriage the wife united herself to her husband's religion; when she returned to her own people as a widow, she returned to their religion if they were foreigners, Ruth 1:15 f. Yet Jehovah's influence is not entirely confined to the land of Israel; Naomi can commend her daughters in law to His protection when they were back in their own land.

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