Ruth 3:1

_Ruth appeals to Boaz to do the kinsman's part_ 1 rest_ A RESTING PLACE marg.; see on Ruth 1:9. All arrangements for a marriage were made by the parents (cf. Judges 14:2 f.); hence it was Naomi's duty to provide for Ruth's future. How this was done is told with fine simplicity.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:2

_our kinsman_ See on Ruth 2:1, a different word from _near kinsman_(_go'el_) in Ruth 3:9. His relationship to Elimelech, and the friendly disposition which he had shewn, led Naomi to think of Boaz in considering -a resting place" for Ruth. He might be willing to do the kinsman's part; at any rate, s... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:3

_Wash thyself … and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee_ as a bride prepares herself for marriage; see Ezekiel 16:9 ff.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:4

_And it shall be_ More accurately, _and let it be … that thou mark_; cf. 1 Samuel 10:5; 2 Samuel 5:24 in Hebr. _his feet_ lit. _the place of his feet_, where they were covered against the cold of night. Outside this chapter the word occurs only in Daniel 10:6; cf. 1 Samuel 19:13 etc., lit. _the pla... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:7

_at the end of the heap of corn_ To this day peasants are accustomed to sleep on the threshing-floor in the open air.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:8

_and turned himself_ A reflexive from of the verb, which means -to grasp with a twisting motion"; the verb occurs again only in Judges 16:29 (-took hold of"), Job 6:18 (-are turned aside" mg.).... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:9

_spread therefore thy skirt over thy handmaid_ This symbolic act denoted that the kinsman claimed the widow as his wife. Cf. Ezekiel 16:8. The custom prevailed among the early Arabs; a good illustration is given in Ṭabarî"s commentary on the Koran (Sura 4:23, forbidding men to -inherit women against... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:10

_thou hast shewed more kindness_ At the outset Ruth had shewn her piety towards her mother in law (Ruth 2:11); now she shews it towards her husband's family. She has declined to seek a second marriage outside, and by her action the dead will come by his rights.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:11

_I will do to thee all that thou sayest_ Note Ruth 3:4 -he will tell thee what thou shalt do"; but Ruth herself suggested what Boaz was to tell. The coincidence was guided by Jehovah's good providence. _all the city_, lit. _gate_ In ancient times the gate was a place of resort for conversation and b... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:12

_there is a kinsman nearer than I_ with a better right to do the kinsman's part. Boaz displays a nice sense of honour, and a desire to adhere strictly to the rules of social usage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:14

_For he said_ i.e. to himself, _he thought_; -if I should say" in Ruth 1:12 has the same meaning. His thought shewed consideration and good sense.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ruth 3:15

_the mantle_ Only again in Isaiah 3:22; apparently a large wrap worn over the ordinary clothes. _six_measures _of barley_ The measure to be supplied is uncertain: six _seahs_=two ephahs (i.e. bushels), which the Targ. gives, or six _ephahs_, would be too heavy to carry; hence it is suggested that s... [ Continue Reading ]

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