the mantle Only again in Isaiah 3:22; apparently a large wrap worn over the ordinary clothes.

sixmeasures of barley The measure to be supplied is uncertain: six seahs=two ephahs (i.e. bushels), which the Targ. gives, or six ephahs, would be too heavy to carry; hence it is suggested that six omersare meant = 3 / 6 of an ephah, Exodus 16:36. The gift is intended for Naomi, who would have to consent to the marriage, as standing in the relation of parent to Ruth. Mr S. A. Cook points out a parallel in a Babylonian tablet (KB.iv. P. 187, xi. lines 1 6), where the widowed mother is approached by the intending bridegroom; The Laws of Moses and the Code of H̬ammurabi, p. 75 n.

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