By night Lit. In the nights. In Psalms 16:7 the same phrase is translated "in the night seasons," and some understand it here of the night hours. But in none of the few passages in which the plural lçlôthoccurs, is it used in this sense. In all it refers to more nights than one, not to the several parts of one night. It would therefore seem that she means to say, that one night after another she dreamt that she missed and sought her lover. More than once that had come to her, so that more than one night must have passed before she told the dream.

on my bed This means that the dream came to her when she was in her bed. The repetition of I soughtexpresses well the continued and repeated searching always ending in failure, which is so characteristic of dreams and so painful. The place where she first looked for him is left indeterminate as it often is in dreams.

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