What is thy beloved more thananother beloved This is the reply of the daughters of Jerusalem. The A.V. gives the meaning correctly enough, but there is considerable perplexity as to the exact translation of the Heb. As the italics in the A.V. shew, there is no Heb. word corresponding to another, and the question is whether the preposition minin the phrase middôdhis to be translated comparatively, as the A.V. takes it, or partitively, -what of a love is thy love?" i.e. what kind of a love is thy love? as Ewald, Synt. § 328 a, and Davidson, Synt. § 8, R. 2, translate it. Probably the latter is the better view, but in either case the meaning is the same, -What is there so exceptional or extraordinary in this beloved, that thou adjurest us so?"

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