a lover of hospitality As in 1 Timothy 3:2, where its appropriateness to the times is explained.

a lover of goodmen] An adjective occurring only in N.T. suggested by the similar compound preceding, as with the similar play of words 2 Timothy 3:4, -lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God." The contrast there of -thing" and -person" as the object of affection increases the probability of the neuter -good" being intended here rather than the masculine -good men;" but -lover" should be kept as having suggested the phrase, a lover of hospitality, a lover of good.

sober, just, holy, temperate Rather, pure, righteous, holy, temperate. On the distinction between -pure" and -temperate" see 1 Timothy 3:2; on that between -righteous" and -holy" see 1 Timothy 2:9. The generally drawn distinction of -doing one's duty to man" (-righteous"), and -to God" (-holy"), would mislead there, and so does R.V. following A.V. here in rendering -just," though substituting -righteous" in such striking passages as Matthew 1:19, -Joseph, being a righteous man;" 1 John 1:9, -he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins." See Dr Westcott's note on this last verse, -The essence of righteousness lies in the recognition and fulfilment of what is due from one to another. Truth passing into action is righteousness." On man's part therefore -righteousness" is duty done to God andto man forGod's sake. So in effect Trench, N. T. Syn. § 88, -The second great commandment is not coordinated with the first greatest, but subordinated to and in fact included in it."

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