Titus 2:1-3

What standard of holy living is to be maintained; first, for elder men and women After these instructions to Titus for the appointment of presbyters and the repression of false teachers in chap. 1, St Paul proceeds to lay down for him the standard of Christian life (Titus 2:1), in old men (Titus 2:... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:2

the aged men] Better, AGED MEN; here of the ordinary life of the older men, as the comparative is used in 1 Timothy 5:1 -rebuke not an elder"; not -elders" or -presbyters." St Paul is himself four or five years older than when he wrote to Philemon -being such an one as Paul the aged" (Titus 2:9). _s... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:3

_The aged women likewise_ THAT AGED WOMEN, not of any order of women corresponding to that of -elders"; though this exact word is used of such an order in the 11th Laodicean Canon, -those that are called elder women, to wit those that preside in the church, must not be ordained"; cf. Neander, _Ch. H... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:4

The standard of holy living for young women 4. _that they may teach the young_women _to be sober_ A.V. -teach to be sober" (i.e. pure) gives the full meaning of the verb, but not its grammatical force TRAIN IN PURITY TO BE LOVERS OF THEIR HUSBANDS, LOVERS OF THEIR CHILDREN. The verb has in Philo an... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:5

to be _discreet, chaste_ The -expulsive power of the new affection" for husband and for child would lead them on best to be wholly pure (note above on Titus 2:2 and on 1 Timothy 3:2) in mind and spirit, and CHASTE in look, and word, and act. _keepers at home_ Rather, we should read with R.V. WORKERS... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:6

The standard of holy living for young men 6. The younger women in Crete were to be placed under the guidance of elder women, though in Ephesus Timothy was himself to instruct them. The young men are to have the special care of Titus. _Young_men _likewise exhort to be sober minded_ Rather, THE YOUNG... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:7

_shewing thyself_ The middle participle and the reflex pron. for emphasis; Winer, iii. 38, 6. _a pattern of good works_ The simple word our -type" here with the thing, as in 1 Timothy 4:12 with the person. So the compound with the thing, 2 Timothy 1:13, with the person, 1 Timothy 1:16. The latter is... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:8

_sound speech_ For the -Pastoral" word -sound" cf. 1 Timothy 1:10; 1Ti 6:3; 1 Timothy 1:13. From the union in this counsel of -speech" and -doctrine" we must understand -sound speech" to be part of the public teaching function of Titus. -That cannot be condemned," Vulg. -irreprehensibile"; cf. 1 Tim... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:9

The standard of holy living for slaves 9. Exhort _servants_ The verb is supplied from Titus 2:6. The phrases and the necessary limits of Christian counsel to slaves are touched on in notes 1 Timothy 6:1-2 Lewin well observes here -at that time slavery was a civil institution, which Christianity wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:10

_not purloining_ Old French _purloigner_, i.e. pour-loin, _to convey far_, to -make away with," rendering the adverb in the Greek -afar," -apart." The verb only occurs in N.T. here and Acts 5:2-3, - _put away_part of the price." But -purloin" has come to have so petty a meaning as to narrow unduly... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:11

_For the grace of God_ -Grace" is well defined as - _Love_imparting _itself_and producing its own image and likeness." Hence the fitness of the three words in the Apostolic Valediction which is also a Benediction: -The _Grace_of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the _Love_of God, and the _Communion_of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:11-14

The sphere of the Apostolate to claim all Life for God, through His Grace, and for His Glory 11 14. The first of the two Evangelical outbursts of that -spring of living water" in St Paul's own heart which kepd his life and teaching always green and fresh. It corresponds with the passage in 1 Timoth... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:12

_teaching us that_ Rather, -training us"; and the present participle implies a continued training, PUTTING US UNDER DISCIPLINE; this form of the word is explained on 1 Timothy 1:20. The comma should be before -that," which has its proper meaning IN ORDER THAT. This -training," -discipline," -educati... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:13

_looking for that blessed hope_ THE BLESSED HOPE, cf. Romans 8:24, where it is both the hope and the object of the hope; Colossians 1:5, - "for the hope," i.e. looking to the hope _which is stored up_; the sense of "hope," as of the corresponding words in any language, oscillates between the subject... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:14

_who gave himself for us_ Dr Reynolds well gives the connexion _-who_in this lofty and august majesty, and because He was possessed of it _delivered up Himself_His whole unique personality _on our behalf_." _that he might redeem us_ By the payment of a ransom price; see note 1 Timothy 2:6 for the or... [ Continue Reading ]

Titus 2:15

_These_things _speak, and exhort, and rebuke_ The three verbs rise as a climax, describing the degrees of earnestness and intensity to be put forth according to the occasion; -these things," all from Titus 2:1. _with all authority_ The word looks back to the -authority" of St Paul's own commission... [ Continue Reading ]

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