let ours also learn More clearly as R.V. and let our people also learn. Theod. Mops, excellently, because Titus (as a poor person) could not be expected to do all, -teach," he says, -your people to attend carefully to the support of their religious teachers." St Paul quotes again half of the -Faithful saying" of Titus 3:8, -maintain good works," and gives this as a most important and primary application of the general law for a practical Christian life, by adding -for such necessary wants" for the needful wants of the ministry. The article requires this interpretation; these well-known and existing wants that are inevitable, when your ministers have to spend their time in saving, not money, but men's souls. For the usage of this word (in the plural) always as -wants," not -uses," cf. Acts 20:34 -these hands ministered unto my necessities," Romans 12:13 -communicating to the necessities of the saints."

This passage recording the visit of an -apostle," and a -teacher," and dwelling on the support of the ministry, finds a striking illustration in the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, which dwells with especial prominence on the work of travelling and resident apostles, and prophets, and teachers, and on their support. It is noticeable too how in the twenty or thirty years which probably elapsed between this Epistle and the - Teaching" the large-hearted law here laid down had been liable to abuse, and required guarding. Three out of the sixteen Chapter s. xi., xii., xiii., are occupied with this subject. See introduction, pp. 22 24.

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