the latter rain Would you have even now a measure at least of the promised abundance, seek it of Jehovah; look to Him for the rain that prepares (Psalms 65:9-10), as well as for the crowning gift itself (Ib. Zechariah 10:11) of "corn" and "wine." The latter rainfell in March or April and served to swell the grain now coming to maturity. The former rain fell in the autumn. (Deuteronomy 11:14; Joel 2:23. Comp. Jeremiah 3:3.)

so the Lord shall make bright clouds Rather, it is the Lord who makes lightnings (as in the margin, or, even of the Lord that maketh lightnings, R. V.), which usher in and accompany rain: therefore of Him must you ask it. Comp. "He hath made lightnings for the rain," Psalms 135:7. "For the rain;i.e. so that the rain follows the lightning; see Jeremiah 10:13; Jeremiah 51:16. The lightning is supposed to precede the rain. A common Arabic proverb says of a man who turns out other than was expected of him, that he lightens but does not rain." Dean Perowne.

grass Rather, herb, including food for man, Genesis 1:29.

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