Even he shall build The repetition of these words from the preceding verse is emphatic, as is the introduction now of the personal pronoun, He. It is as much as to say, you are building a temple of the Lord, but the building of the true temple is reserved for Him.

bear the glory i.e. the royalmajesty, as the word is used Dan 11:21; 1 Chronicles 29:25; though doubtless there lies behind such glory as is spoken of John 1:14; John 17:5; Hebrews 2:9.

the counsel of peace shall be between them both This has been explained to mean, that the two offices, the sacerdotal and the regal, being merged in the one person of Him, who "shall be a priest upon His throne," shall be exercised in perfect harmony, as though a treaty of peace were ratified between them. "The counsel of peace," however, would seem to mean more than this, and to denote a counsel, or measure, devised by "them both," of which the fruit would be peace to those whom it contemplated. This counsel, by which peace is procured and bestowed (Ephesians 2:14; John 14:27) is for its execution "between them both," i.e. between the two offices, or rather between the Holder of them both regarded now as King and now as Priest. The view that "them both" refers to the Eternal Father and Messiah, Jehovah and the Branch, though it has been ably advocated, is scarcely warranted by the context, in which the mention of Jehovah is not sufficiently direct and prominent to sustain such a reference.

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