God's purpose in these judgments on the nations was that Israel should take warning from them and receive instruction.

I said Or, I thought;Jeremiah 3:19. For their dwellingread her dwelling.

howsoever I punished them Perhaps: according to all that I have appointed concerning her. The words seem to explain the preceding "that her dwelling should not be cut off." This destruction of her place of abode is what the Lord has appointed for her. His desire and nope was that she would receive instruction so that her dwelling place should remain for ever. Instead of "her dwelling-place" Sept. reads "from her eyes" (with a difference of one letter). So Wellhausen: she will receive instruction, and that which I have commanded her will never be cut off(fade) from her sight, i.e. she will continually keep before her eyes God's commandments. For the meaning "I have commanded her" instead of "appointed concerning her" he cites Job 36:23; 2 Chronicles 36:23; Ezra 1:2.

rose early, and corrupted i.e. corrupted with eagerness. The phrase is a favourite one with Jeremiah, e.g. Jeremiah 7:13.

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