Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 15:18
See notes on verse 13
See notes on verse 13
ACTS 15:17-18 tau/ta gnwsta. avpV aivw/noj {B} Since the quotation from Amos 9:12 ends with tau/ta, the concluding words are James’s comment. The reading gnwsta. avpV aivw...
Verse Acts 15:18. _KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING_] As if he had said, This is not a new counsel of God: he had purposed, from the time he called the _Israelites_, to make the _G...
KNOWN UNTO GOD ... - See the notes on Acts 1:24. The meaning of this verse, in this connection, is this. God sees everything future; he knows what he will accomplish; he has a plan; all his works are...
CHAPTER 15 _ 1. The false teachers from Judea. Paul and Barnabas sent to Jerusalem (Acts 15:1)._ 2. The Council in Jerusalem (Acts 15:6). 3. The Result made known (Acts 15:22). 4. The Consolation b...
SPEECH OF JAMES. Who is this James? In Galatians 2:9 Paul tells us of the agreement he made with James and Cephas and John. James and John in this account are _prima facie_ to be taken as the two sons...
THE CRUCIAL PROBLEM (Acts 15:1-5) The influx of Gentiles into the Church produced a problem which had to be solved. The mental background of the Jew was founded on the fact that he belonged to the ch...
After they had been silent James replied, "Brothers, listen to me. Symeon has told you how God first made provision for the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name, With this the words of th...
KNOWN. Greek. _gnostos._ See note on Acts 1:19. FROM THE... WORLD. from the age. Greek. _ap' aionos._ App-151....
17, 18. ΚΎΡΙΟΣ ΠΟΙΩ͂Ν ΤΑΥ͂ΤΑ ΓΝΩΣΤᾺ�' ΑἸΩ͂ΝΟΣ. ΔΙῸ … with אBC. The _Vulg_. gives ‘Dominus faciens hæc. Notum a sæculo est Domino opus suum. Propter quod …’ But on the verses see notes....
ΠΟΙΩ͂Ν ΤΑΥ͂ΤΑ ΓΝΩΣΤᾺ�' ΑἸΩ͂ΝΟΣ. This is the reading supported by most authority, and the sense must be either (1) ‘the Lord who maketh these things known from the beginning of the world,’ or (2) ‘the...
_AN ACCOUNT OF THE DISCUSSION ACTS 15:6-21:_ The church, with the apostles and elders, came together to discuss this problem concerning the Gentiles and the Law. Peter said that "God made choice among...
ΓΝΩΣΤΌΣ (G1110) известный. Это может быть комментарий Иакова, который означает: "мы не можем противиться выраженной воле Бога — но только Бог точно знает, как сочетается все в мире и как это следует п...
KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS— The apostle plainly speaks here, not of God's works in the natural world, but of his dispensations towards the children of men: now he could not know those, without k...
THE ELDERS AND APOSTLES MEET TO SETTLE THE DISPUTE. Acts 15:6-29 a. Peter's speech. Acts 15:6-11. Acts 15:6 And the apostles and the elders were gathered together to consider of this matter....
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD. This is the reading of the majority of manuscripts; though a very...
18 James does not refer to the report of Barnabas and Paul, when he quotes Amo_9:11-12, but to Peter's address. The prophet, speaking of the time when the kingdom will be set up, refers to those among...
THE QUESTION OF CIRCUMCISION 1-35. The Council of Jerusalem, 49 a.d. The usual view is that Galatians 2:1 describes the visit of St. Paul to Jerusalem on the occasion of this Council. Adopting this, t...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 15 AN IMPORTANT MEETING IN *JERUSALEM, 15:1-21 V1 Some men came from *Judea to Antioch. They were teaching the *believers like this. ‘You must...
KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS. — The better MSS. give “all His work” — _i.e.,_ the great work of the government and education of mankind. The words are an implicit answer to the charge of innovatio...
In R.V. the phrase ἀπʼ αἰῶνος is connected closely with the preceding clause, see critical notes: “who maketh these things known from the beginning of the world” (“of time,” Ramsay), or margin, “who d...
A GENEROUS CONCLUSION Acts 15:12-21 When their turn came to speak, Paul and Barnabas contented themselves with emphasizing the signs and wonders by which God had set His seal on their words and metho...
In the work among Gentiles the question of circumcision very naturally arose, and its difficulty is revealed in the calling of a council. That council seems to have opened with much desultory discussi...
Resolving Conflict The matter was placed before the apostles and elders to be considered. Quite a discussion followed. Though Peter's actions were not always commendable, as when he dissembled in Anti...
(h) Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. (h) And therefore nothing comes to pass by chance, but only by God's appointment....
_To the Lord was known his own work. He bringeth it to pass, as he hath decreed, though his decrees are to us unknown. (Witham)_...
And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter. (7) And when there had been much disputing, Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while...
We now enter on the missionary journeys, as they are called, of the apostle Paul. The work, under the Spirit, opens to the glory of the Lord. Not merely are Gentiles met in grace and brought into the...
− 18._Known from the beginning. _This is a prevention, − (133) to put away the hatred which might have risen upon the novelty; for the sudden change might have been suspected, and therefore did it tro...
Chapter 15 contains the account of this. Certain persons come from Jerusalem, where all was still going on in connection with the requirements of the law; and they seek to impose these requirements on...
KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS,.... These are the words of James, and not of Amos; all the things which God does in the church and in the world, they were all foreknown and predetermined by him: fro...
Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Ver. 18. _Known unto God, &c._] And consequently the calling of the Gentiles is foreknown and foreappointed by him, as a thing to be...
_Then all the multitude kept silence_ Having nothing further to object to what had been advanced; _and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul_ Who confirmed Peter's reasoning, by _declaring what miracles...
KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD; as much as to say, The calling of the Gentiles into the church is in accordance with God's purpose from the beginning. Why then throw...
The proposal of James:...
However, here at Antioch a matter arose of deeply serious significance, and it was clearly God's wisdom to have Paul and Barnabas there at the time. Men from Judea, professing the knowledge of Christ,...
" KNOWN TO GOD FROM ETERNITY ARE ALL HIS WORKS. 1. James now comments. All the works (Peter at Cornelius and Paul in other cities) are known by God. They were known from eternity. This is not a surpr...
"Since God had foretold. long time ago that the Gentiles would be. part of the kingdom, without circumcision, it should not be opposed and resisted by us. We rather should get our ideas in harmony wit...
7-21 We see from the words "purifying their hearts by faith," and the address of St. Peter, that justification by faith, and sanctification by the Holy Ghost, cannot be separated; and that both are t...
This the apostle adds, that they might not be offended with the seeming novelty and surprise of the calling of the Gentiles, and abrogation of the ceremonies; for it was no other than what God had bef...
Acts 15:18 Known G1110 God G2316 from G575 eternity G165 are G2076 (G5748) all G3956 His G846 works...
“After these things I will return, And I will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen, and I will build again its ruins, and I will set it up, that the residue of men may seek after the L...
Acts 15:18. KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD. There are many variations of the Greek text here, but they all yield much the same meaning. On the whole, the translation...
FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD (απ' αιωνος). Or, "from of old." James adds these words, perhaps with a reminiscence of Isaiah 45:21. His point is that this purpose of God, as set forth in Amos, is...
CONTENTS: The council at Jerusalem and the question of circumcision. Paul's second missionary journey. Silas chosen. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Moses, Paul, Barnabas, apostles, elders, Phar...
Acts 15:1. _Certain men which came down from Judea._ Epiphanius says, Cerinthus the heretic was one of the principals in this dissension. But they were, no doubt, of the devil's sending, to disquiet t...
15-18. THE WORDS OF THE PROPHETS. James paraphrases Amos 9:11-12. RAISE DAVID'S FALLEN HOUSE. Restore the glory of David in the Messiah. Note that James applies this to what had already happened. AND...
_And after they had held their peace, James answered._ THE DECISION OF THE COUNCIL This was a crisis in the history of the Church. The greatest disasters might have befallen it at this critical time....
_And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised … ye cannot be saved._ DISTURBERS OF THE CHURCH I. Certain men came down from Judea. 1. Probably...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 15:1 The Jerusalem Council. A conference was held in Jerusalem (c. A.D. 48 or 49) to discuss conditions for Gentile membership in the church. The “Pharisaic” group in the Jerusalem c...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 15:12 When some apostles had begun to leave Jerusalem for a wider witness, the Jerusalem leadership was continued by others. Jesus’ brother James had a prominent role (see Acts 12:17...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 15:16 James refers to “prophets” (v. Acts 15:15), showing that he could appeal to more than one OT text to defend the inclusion of Gentiles by faith alone. See the allusion to...
_HOMILETICAL ANALYSIS_.—_Acts 15:6_ The Council at Jerusalem; or, the Circumcision Controversy Settled I. THE COMPOSITION OF THE COUNCIL.— 1. The _apostles_. The twelve; Paul not yet included in the...
EXPOSITION ACTS 15:1 _Came down … and taught _for _which came down_ …_ taught, _A.V.; _saying _for _and said, _A.V._; custom _(ἔθος) for _manner, _A.V. EXCEPT YE BE CIRCUMCISED, etc. The question t...
And certain men which came down from Judea [to the church in Antioch] taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved (Acts 15:1). Unfortunately,...
1 Peter 1:20; 2 Thessalonians 2:13; Acts 17:26; Ephesians 1:11;...
Known unto God, etc. The best texts join these words with the preceding verse, from which they omit all; rendering, The Lord, who maketh these things known from the beginning of the world....
THE PLAN AND PURPOSE OF GOD Acts 15:13 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We are once more back in Jerusalem in attendance at the council called by the Church at Jerusalem to consider the demands of certain from t...
Known unto God are all his works from eternity — Which the apostle infers from the prophecy itself, and the accomplishment of it. And this conversion of the Gentiles being known to him from eternity,...