Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 24:3
See notes on verse 2
See notes on verse 2
Verse Acts 24:3. _WE ACCEPT_ IT _ALWAYS, AND IN ALL PLACES_] We have at _all_ _times_ a grateful sense of thy beneficent administration, and we talk of it _in all places_, not only before thy face, bu...
WE ACCEPT IT ALWAYS - We admit that it is owing to your vigilance, and we accept your interposition to promote peace with gratitude. ALWAYS, AND IN ALL PLACES - Not merely in your presence, but we al...
CHAPTER 23 _ 1. Paul before the Sanhedrin (Acts 23:1)._ 2. The vision of the Lord (Acts 23:11). 3. The Conspiracy against Paul (Acts 23:12). 4. Paul taken to Caesarea ...
HEARING BEFORE FELIX: SPEECH FOR THE PROSECUTION. It would take five days (1) for the summons of Lysias (Acts 23:30) to be acted on, and the prosecutors to travel down. The High Priest and some elders...
Five days afterwards Ananias the high priest came down with some of the elders and with a pleader called Tertullus. They laid information against Paul before the governor. When Paul was called, Tertul...
ACCEPT. receive. Greek. _apodechomai._ See note on Acts 2:41. ALWAYS. in every case. Greek. _pante_. Only here. IN ALL PLACES. everywhere. Greek. _pantachou._ MOST NOBLE. Same as "most excellent",...
_we accept it always_[Better, IN ALL WAYS] _and in all places_ The word rendered "in all ways" is only found here in N. T. and does not mean "always." Some would join "in all ways and in all places" w...
ΠΟΛΛΗ͂Σ ΕἸΡΉΝΗΣ ΤΥΓΧΆΝΟΝΤΕΣ ΔΙᾺ ΣΟΥ͂, _seeing that by thee we enjoy much peace_. The orator seizes on almost the only point in the government of Felix on which he could hang any praise. By severity he...
_PAUL WAS ACCUSED IN THE COURT OF FELIX ACTS 24:1-9:_ The High Priest and the Jews knew that they had done wrong in their dealing with Paul so they wanted to get the matter settled quickly. Their inte...
ΠΆΝΤΗ (G3839) любым способом (adv. образа действия), ΠΑΝΤΑΧΟΎ (G3837) в любом месте, повсеместно (adv. места). Использование этих двух слов вместе является риторической аллитерацией (Bruce), ΆΠΟΔΕΧΌ...
b. Paul's trial before Felix the governor. Acts 24:1-22. Acts 24:1 And after five days the high priest Ananias came down with certain elders, and with an orator, one Tertullus; and they informed th...
We accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. We accept it always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. In this flattery there was a measure...
28 As in the case of our Lord, witness after witness testified that Paul had done nothing deserving the bonds he endured or the death with which he was threatened. All who heard his case concurred in...
FAVOUR] They desired from the judge partiality, not justice; and probably offered him money....
ST. PAUL BEFORE FELIX 1-27. St Paul and Felix. 1. Tertullus] in spite of his Roman name may have been a Greek or even a Jew (cp.'our Law,' AV Acts 24:6)....
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 24 THE *JEWISH LEADERS ACCUSE PAUL, 24:1-9 V1 Five days later, Ananias the *high priest went to Caesarea. Some leaders and Tertullus, a lawyer,...
πολλῆς εἰρ. τυγχ.: the governors specially prided themselves on keeping peace in their provinces (Wetstein). On the phrase see Malachi 4:6; Malachi 4:6; 2Ma 14:10. κατορθωμάτων : “very worthy deeds,”...
TRUTH AGAINST SLANDER Acts 24:1 Paul was always on the lookout for the one ray of light in murky skies. He found a reason for counting himself happy in this dark hour, Acts 24:10. He held himself wit...
Tertullus, who appeared here, was a Roman barrister, it being necessary for the Jews to employ such in presenting their cases before a Roman tribunal. The charges he made were palpably false. His desc...
The Jews Present the Case Against Paul After five days, the high priest, elders and an orator, or, as Ash says was the case, an attorney, presented themselves before the governor to bring a formal cha...
And after five days Ananias the high priest descended with the elders, and with a certain orator named Tertullus, who informed the governor against Paul. (2) And when he was called forth, Tertullus be...
The closing Chapter s from 21 to the end of the book are devoted to an episode full of interest and profit Paul's course from Jerusalem to Rome. And here we find ourselves in an atmosphere considerabl...
Paul appears before the governors in succession the Sanhedrim, Felix, Festus, Agrippa, and afterwards Caesar. And here, when occasion offers, we have striking appeals to conscience; when his defence i...
WE ACCEPT IT ALWAYS, AND IN ALL PLACES,.... The sense is, that the Jews observed with pleasure the provident care the governor took of their nation, and at all times spoke well of him; and wherever th...
We accept _it_ always, and in all places, most noble Felix, with all thankfulness. Ver. 3. _We accept it always_] So they say, the sooner to ingratiate; when in truth they worthily hated Felix for hi...
_And when he_ Paul; _was called forth_ To hear the charge preferred against him, and make his defence; _Tertullus began to accuse him_ In an oration, almost every word of which was false; the accusati...
PAUL'S TRIAL BEFORE FELIX. The delegation of Jews from Jerusalem:...
The Jews did not delay long just taking enough time (5 days) to make plans by which to influence Felix against Paul. The high priest and elders of the people came down, bringing with them an orator na...
WE ACCEPT IT ALWAYS AND IN ALL PLACES, MOST NOBLE FELIX, WITH ALL THANKFULNESS. 1. Another lie. They were not grateful for Felix....
Acts 24:2-3 "Since we have through you attained much peace, and since by your providence reforms are being carried out for this nation, we acknowledge this in every way and everywhere, most excellent...
1-9 See here the unhappiness of great men, and a great unhappiness it is, to have their services praised beyond measure, and never to be faithfully told of their faults; hereby they are hardened and...
WE ACCEPT IT; we commend and admire it. It is most certain, that inferiors enjoy many benefits by the means of their governors, who bear the burden for the people, watching and caring for them; and th...
Acts 24:3 G5037 accept G588 (G5736) always G3839 and G2532 places G3837 noble G2903 Felix G5344 with...
‘And when he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying, “Seeing that by you we enjoy much peace, and that by the providence evils are corrected for this nation, we accept it in all ways and in...
Acts 24:3. WE ACCEPT IT ALWAYS, AND IN ALL PLACES, MOST NOBLE FELIX. ‘ Not only here in thy presence and at this moment do we acknowledge our deep debt of gratitude as a nation to thee; but also at al...
IN ALL WAYS AND IN ALL PLACES (παντη τε κα πανταχου). Παντη, old adverb of manner only here in N.T. Πανταχου also old adverb of place, several times in N.T. But these adverbs most likely go with th...
CONTENTS: Paul accused before Felix, and his defense. CHARACTERS: Ananias, elders, Tertullus, Felix, Paul, Lysias, Drusilla, Festus. CONCLUSION: Every false cause can find men of sharp wits to plead...
Acts 24:1. _After five days, Ananias descended with the elders;_ to intimidate the governor, and ensure the destruction of Paul, as they had done with Pilate in regard of the Saviour. They lost no tim...
FIVE DAYS LATER. Five days after Paul had escaped from Jerusalem. Roman justice moved swiftly. The deep hatred of the Jewish leaders is shown by the fact that the High Priest himself comes, with some...
_Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietness._ BE THANKFUL AND DO NOT REST These words were addressed by a professional flatterer to one of the worst of Roman governors. Both speaker and listener k...
_And after five days Ananias the high priest descended … with a certain orator named Tertullus._ PAUL BEFORE FELIX--A PICTURE OF BARRISTERIAL DEPRAVITY 1. From his Roman name we judge that Tertullus...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 24:1 The Witness in Caesarea. Paul was imprisoned in Caesarea for more than two years. He received formal hearings from the governors Felix and Festus and the Jewish king Agrippa II....
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 24:1. AFTER FIVE DAYS.—Reckoned from Paul’s departure from Jerusalem (Kuinoel, Meyer, De Wette, Hackett, Alford, Plumptre), though some (Holtzmann, Lechler, Zöckler, Olshausen,...
EXPOSITION ACTS 24:1 _The high priest Ananias came down _for _Ananias the high priest descended, _A.V.; _certain elders _for _the elders, _A.V. and T.R.; _an orator, one Tertullus _for _a certain ora...
Shall we turn now to chapter twenty-four in the book of Acts. Paul had been seen in the temple worshipping God by some of the Jews that were from Asia who were familiar with Paul's ministry among the...
Acts 23:26; Acts 26:25; Luke 1:3...
Very worthy deeds [κ α τ ο ρ θ ω μ α τ ω ν]. From katorqow, to set upright. Hence, a success consequent on right judgment; a right action. The best texts, however, read diorqwmatwn, settings right; am...