Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 26:21
See notes on verse 19
See notes on verse 19
Verse Acts 26:21. _FOR THESE CAUSES THE JEWS - WENT ABOUT TO KILL_ ME.] These _causes_ may be reduced to _four_ heads:- 1. He had maintained the _resurrection of the dead_. 2. The _resurrection of C...
CAUGHT ME IN THE TEMPLE - Acts 21:30. AND WENT ABOUT ... - Endeavored to put me to death....
CHAPTER 26 __ 1. The Address of the Apostle Paul (Acts 26:2). 2. The Interruption by Festus and the Appeal to the King (Acts 26:24). 3. The Verdict (Acts 26:30). The opening words of the Apostle a...
PAUL SPEAKS BEFORE AGRIPPA. It is Agrippa the vassal king, not Festus the representative of the sovereign power, who calls on Paul to speak, and to whom Paul addresses himself throughout, even after t...
"Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. But first of all to those in Damascus, and to Jerusalem, and throughout the whole land of Judaea and to the Gentiles, I brought...
CAUGHT. Greek. _sullambano._ See Acts 1:16. TEMPLE. Greek. _hieron._ See Matthew 23:16. WENT ABOUT. were attempting. Greek. _peiraomai._ Only here. KILL. Greek. _diacheirizomai._ See Acts 5
_For these causes_ Lit. "on account of these things" which the _R. V._better represents by "for this cause." _the Jews caught me_[_R. V._seized me] The word implies an arrest with violence. _and went...
ἝΝΕΚΑ ΤΟΎΤΩΝ, _on account of these things_. R.V. very well ‘for this cause.’ ἸΟΥΔΑΙ͂ΟΙ ΣΥΛΛΑΒΌΜΕΝΟΙ, _the Jews having seized me_. The verb implies an arrest with violence. ἘΠΕΙΡΩ͂ΝΤΟ ΔΙΑΧΕΙΡΊΣΑΘΑΙ, _...
_PAUL'S PREACHING AMONG THE GENTILES ACTS 26:19-23:_ Paul was obedient to Jesus concerning his personal salvation and concerning the work the Lord had for him to do. He immediately began to preach at...
ΈΝΕΚΑ (G1752) из-за, ради, с _gen._ ΣΥΛΛΑΒΌΜΕΝΟΙ _aor. med. (dep.) part. (temp.) от_ ΣΥΛΛΑΜΒΆΝΩ (G4815) хватать, ΌΝΤΑ _praes. act. part. (temp.) от_ ΕΊΜΊ (G1510) быть. Действие, одновременное выражен...
THE JEWS—WENT ABOUT TO KILL ME.— The proper import of the word διαχειρισασθαι is, _to kill with their own hands;_ which was with peculiar propriety used here, as there was reason to apprehend that St....
f. Paul's defense before King Agrippa. Acts 25:13 bActs 26:32. Acts 25:13 Now when certain days were passed, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea, and saluted Festus....
For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. No JFB commentary on this verse....
1 King Agrippa was a notable figure throughout the closing period of Jewish national life. He was the last prince of the Herodian line. Unlike the Roman governors, who were frequently replaced and mos...
DEFENCE BEFORE AGRIPPA 1-32. St. Paul before Agrippa. This speech, though in form a defence to the Jews, is really intended by St. Luke to be St. Paul's defence to the world—an apology for his whole...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 26 PAUL SPEAKS TO KING AGRIPPA, 26:1-11 V1 Agrippa told Paul, ‘You may now speak for yourself.’ Paul waved his hand. He said, V2 ‘King Agrippa,...
FOR THESE CAUSES... — Better, perhaps, _on account of these things._ With this brief touch, avoiding any elaborate vindication of his own character, St. Paul indicates the real cause of the hostility...
ἔνεκα τούτων : because I preached to Jews and Gentiles alike, proclaiming one Gospel to both, and placing both on an equality before God (not for profaning the Temple), _cf._ Acts 21:28. On ἕνεκα see...
OBEDIENT TO HIS HEAVENLY VISION Acts 26:12 Nowhere else is there such deliverance from the glare and cross-lights of earth as is afforded by a vision of the face of Jesus, brighter than the sun at no...
Agrippa intimated to Paul that he might speak, and the apostle spent a moment in introductory words, and then uttered his great apologia, in which a twofold purpose is evident, first, his own defense,...
Naturally, Paul could not disobey a voice from heaven, so he preached the gospel in Damascus and Jerusalem, both to the Jews and Gentiles. Notice, his preaching included the necessity of repentance, a...
Especially because I know thee to be expert in all customs and questions which are among the Jews: wherefore I beseech thee to hear me patiently. (4) My manner of life from my youth, which was at the...
The closing Chapter s from 21 to the end of the book are devoted to an episode full of interest and profit Paul's course from Jerusalem to Rome. And here we find ourselves in an atmosphere considerabl...
− 21._They went about to kill me. _He complaineth in this place of the iniquity of his adversaries, that it may thereby appear that their cause and conscience were both evil. − (623) For if Paul had o...
Paul's address to king Agrippa furnishes us with the most complete picture of the entire position of the apostle, as he himself looked at it when his long service and the light of the Holy Ghost illum...
FOR THESE CAUSES THE JEWS CAUGHT ME IN THE TEMPLE,.... He means the Asiatic Jews, who finding him in the temple, laid hold on him, and dragged him out of it: and, as he says, went about to kill me; fo...
For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill _me_. Ver. 21. _Went about to kill me_] Gr. διαχειρισασθαι, to tear me in pieces, or pull me limb from limb with their own ha...
_For these causes_ And for no other; _the Jews_ Who have the same inveteracy against the gospel of Jesus that I once had; _caught_ (seized) _me in the temple, and went about_ (attempted) _to kill me_...
How Paul had carried out the work of his call:...
At Agrippa's invitation to him to speak, Paul is fully prepared. He expresses his happiness at being privileged to answer for himself to the king, especially because he knew Agrippa to be an expert in...
FOR THESE REASONS THE JEWS SEIZED ME IN THE TEMPLE AND TRIED TO KILL ME. 1. Because Paul was now preaching the message of Jesus, the Jews turned their hatred from all Christians to Paul. 2. Now they...
"For this cause the Jews seized me in the temple, and assayed to kill me"For this cause" Here is the real reason why Paul had been arrested in Jerusalem some two years previous. The Jews seized Paul b...
12-23 Paul was made a Christian by Divine power; by a revelation of Christ both to him and in him; when in the full career of his sin. He was made a minister by Divine authority: the same Jesus who a...
By violent hands and indirect means, as we see, ACTS 21:31, and as they had done unto our Saviour, ACTS 5:30, where the same word is used....
Acts 26:21 For G1752 reasons G5130 Jews G2453 seized G4815 (G5642) me G3165 in G1722 temple G2411 tried...
“Wherefore, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared both to those of Damascus first and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judaea, and also to the Genti...
_Paul's Defence of Christianity before King Agrippa, his Sister, and the Procurator Festus,_ 1-23. This famous _apologia_ of St. Paul consists of four divisions. The first, Acts 26:2-3, consists of a...
Acts 26:21. FOR THESE CAUSES THE JEWS CAUGHT ME IN THE TEMPLE, AND WENT ABOUT TO KILL ME. That is first because he, Saul, once the determined relentless enemy of the ‘crucified Nazarene,' now obeyed H...
ASSAYED TO KILL ME (επειρωντο διαχειρισασθα). Conative imperfect middle of πειραω, the old form of the later _Koine_ πειραζω so common in the _Koine_, but in N.T. here only. Some MSS. have it in Act...
Acts 26 St. Paul's Defence before Agrippa. Observe: I. What is the central truth of the Christian system. It is a very suggestive fact that Festus had got hold of the kernel of the whole subject, as...
Three times we have in Holy Writ a graphic report of the conversion of Paul. This may be accounted for partly from its being one of the most remarkable events of early sacred history, Paul having had...
Acts 26:1. _Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Thou art permitted to speak for thyself. Then Paul stretched forth the hand, and answered for himself:_ I do not suppose Agrippa imagined that Paul would take...
CONTENTS: Paul's defense before Agrippa. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Paul, Agrippa, Satan, Festus, Bernice, Caesar. CONCLUSION: When God's servant is given a chance to speak for himself, it is well if h...
Acts 26:1. _Then Paul stretched forth the hand,_ the usual signal to gain attention; it indicates presence of mind in the speaker, and that his auditory is large. Though the notice was short, the cour...
21-30. REPENT OF THEIR SINS AND TURN TO GOD. Compare Acts 3:19 and note. Paul preached a NEW LIFE!!!...
IT WAS FOR THIS REASON. Because he both obeyed and preached Christ. BUT TO THIS VERY DAY. God had helped him and showed his work to be genuine. WHAT I SAY IS THE VERY SAME THING. The _historical Chris...
_Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Thou art permitted to speak for thyself._ PAUL BEFORE AGRIPPA Here is all that Christianity ever asked for: an opportunity to speak for itself; and its answer is the one...
_Whereupon, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision._ THE HEAVENLY VISION This is Paul’s account of the decisive moment on which all his own future, and a great deal of the fut...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 26:19.—Begins the third part of Paul’s defence, and furnishes the reason for his Gentile mission. WHEREUPON.—Lit., _whence_, wherefore, accordingly—_i.e._, having been so inst...
EXPOSITION ACTS 26:1 And for _then, _A.V.; _his _for _the, _A.V.; _made his _defense_ _for _answered for himself, _A.V. AGRIPPA SAID. It was by the courtesy of Festus that Agrippa thus took the chief...
Let's open our Bibles to the twenty-sixth chapter of Acts. Paul was rescued by Lysias, the captain of the Roman guard from the mob that was attempting to beat him to death in Jerusalem on the temple m...
Acts 21:30; Acts 21:31; Acts 22:22; Acts 23:12; Acts 25:3...
For these things — The apostle now applies all that he had said....