Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 28:10
See notes on verse 8
See notes on verse 8
Verse Acts 28:10. _HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS_] The word τιμη, as Bishop Pearce has remarked, is often used to signify a pecuniary _recompense_, or _present_. The Greek word seems to be thus used...
WHO ALSO HONOURED US - As people who were favored by heaven, and who had been the means of conferring important benefits on them in healing the sick, etc. Probably the word “honors” here means “gifts,...
CHAPTER 28 _ 1. In the Island of Melita (Acts 28:1)._ 2. The arrival in Rome (Acts 28:11). 3. Paul calling the chief of the Jews and his message (Acts 28:17). Melita, which means “honey,” is the is...
VISIT TO PUBLIUS. The chief man of the island is in the Gr. the first man, an official title, found on inscriptions in Malta (p. 614). The cure of his father by Paul is effected by prayer and impositi...
In the neighbourhood of that place there were estates which belonged to the Chief of the island, who was called Publius. He welcomed us and hospitably entertained us for three days. It so happened tha...
WELCOME AT MALTA (Acts 28:1-6)...
ALSO HONOURED, &C. = honoured us with many honours also. DEPARTED. sailed. Greek. _anago._ See "loosed" (Acts 13:13). LADED US WITH. laid on us. SUCH THINGS, &C. = the things for (Greek. _pros._ App...
ΠΡῸΣ ΤᾺΣ ΧΡΕΊΑΣ with אABI. _Vulg_. ‘quae necessaria erant.’ 10. ΠΟΛΛΑΙ͂Σ ΤΙΜΑΙ͂Σ, _with many honours_. No doubt these included gifts of money and such things as would be needed by travellers who had l...
_PAUL KINDLY RECEIVED AT MELITA ACTS 28:1-10:_ The 276 people all safely reached the shore on the island of (Melita) Malta. The local people received them and were friendly to them. They were willing...
ΤΙΜΑΪ́Σ _dat. pl. от_ ΤΙΜΉ (G5092) цена, стоимость, уважение, почет. _Instr. dat._ ΈΤΊΜΗΣΑΝ _aor. ind. act. от_ ΤΙΜΆΩ (G5091) чтить, оказывать уважение. В контексте, вероятно, это значит: "заплатили...
MELITA. Acts 28:1-10. Acts 28:1 And when we were escaped, then we knew that the island was called Melita. Acts 28:2 And the barbarians showed us no common kindness: for they kindled a fire, and rec...
Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded us with such things as were necessary. WHO ALSO HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS, [timais ( G5092)] - 'presents,' tokens of gr...
9 Three months busy with blessing thus came out of the catastrophe. Had the ship wintered in Cnidus, as they had wished, or at Ideal Harbors, as Paul proposed, the ship and cargo might indeed have bee...
ST. PAUL A PRISONER AT ROME 1. They.. they] RV 'we.. we.' MELITA] RM 'Melitene.' Melita is certainly Malta, and not (as has been erroneously supposed) Meleda off the Illyrian coast. Tradition correct...
ST. PAUL IN JERUSALEM (CHS 21:17-28:16) 17-40. Disturbances in the Temple. St Paul arrested....
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 28 ON THE ISLAND CALLED MALTA, 28:1-10 V1 We arrived on the shore. We discovered that the island was called Malta. V2 The people who lived ther...
WHO ALSO HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS. — It lies in the nature of the case that the honours took the form of gifts. The very word was, indeed, specially applied, both in Greek and Latin, to the _hono...
πολλαῖς τιμαῖς : “with many honours,” A. and R.V., used quite generally, so in Vulgate, “multis honoribus”; even in the expression “honos habendus medico,” Cic., _Ad Div._, xvi., 9, we need not limit...
KINDNESS RICHLY REPAID Acts 28:1 It is pleasant to read of the kindness of these Maltese. In humanity everywhere there are kindly traits, and often there will be ready help for the really destitute....
On land new perils threatened. While gathering sticks for a fire, a viper fastened on the apostle's hand. Shaking it off, he was unharmed. This convinced those who watched that he was divine, and they...
They soon discovered the island's name was Malta. The natives, who were descendants of Phoenicia, did not speak Greek, but they did show considerable kindness to those recently shipwrecked. Paul helpe...
(6) Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded [us] with such things as were necessary. (6) God does well to strangers for his children's sake....
In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius; who received us, and lodged us three days courteously. (8) And it came to pass, that the father of Publius...
The closing Chapter s from 21 to the end of the book are devoted to an episode full of interest and profit Paul's course from Jerusalem to Rome. And here we find ourselves in an atmosphere considerabl...
At Melita we find him again exercising his accustomed power among that barbarous people. One sees that God is with him. Evangelisation does not, however, appear in the account of his sojourn there, or...
WHO ALSO HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS,.... Not with divine honours, with religious adorations, as if they had been so many deities; for these they would not have received, nor have recorded them, to...
Who also honoured us with many honours; and when we departed, they laded _us_ with such things as were necessary. Ver. 10. _Who also honoured us_] _Perraro grati reperiuntur, _ saith Cicero. A thankf...
_In the same quarters_ In the neighbourhood of the place where the ship was stranded, and the shipwrecked company had met with such kind treatment; _were possessions of the chief man of the island_ Th...
WHO ALSO HONORED US WITH MANY HONORS, AND WHEN WE DEPARTED, THEY LADED US WITH SUCH THINGS AS WERE NECESSARY. In the same quarters, in the neighborhood of the place which is now known as St. Paul's Ba...
The healing of the father of Publius:...
Very soon contacting inhabitants, they found that the island was called Melita, present day Malta. The people are called "barbarous," which only means they were not Greek or Jewish -- not the cultured...
THEY ALSO HONORED US IN MANY WAYS; AND WHEN WE DEPARTED, THEY PROVIDED SUCH THINGS AS WERE NECESSARY. 1. All were treated well - the crew of the ship, the Roman soldiers, and the prisoners. 2. When...
The response here is natural. Acts 28:10 "Honored us with many marks of respect" This many have taken the form of gifts. Remember, Paul and his companions had lost their entire luggage and only escape...
1-10 God can make strangers to be friends; friends in distress. Those who are despised for homely manners, are often more friendly than the more polished; and the conduct of heathens, or persons call...
They who were cured, rewarded or presented the apostle and his company very liberally. And this was the effect of that inward respect and real esteem they had for them; and was a fruit of their faith....
Acts 28:10 They G3739 also G2532 honored G5092 us G2248 many G4183 ways G5091 (G5656) and G2532 departed...
‘And when this was done, the rest also who had diseases in the island came, and were cured, who also honoured us with many honours, and when we sailed, they put on board such things as we needed.' The...
Acts 28:10. HONOURED US WITH MANY HONOURS. In 1 Timothy 5:3; 1 Timothy 5:17 , the word (τιμή) used here is employed to denote the material support of religious ministers; and whatever else may be incl...
Acts 28:1. _And when they were escaped, then they knew that the island was called Melita. And the barbarous people shewed us no little kindness: for they kindled a fire, and received us every one, bec...
CONTENTS: The landing at Melita. Miracle of the viper's bite. Healing of Publius' father. Paul's arrival at Rome and his ministry there to the Jews. Paul turns to the Gentiles. CHARACTERS: Jesus, Hol...
Acts 28:1. _Melita,_ now Malta. This island seems to have been inhabited by runaways, for _melim,_ in the language of Carthage, is to escape. It was inhabited by a colony of refugees from Carthage, a...
THE CHIEF OF THE ISLAND. Publius is probably the Roman governor of the island. It would be his duty to take care of the Roman officer, soldiers, and their prisoners as well. He was kind and generous t...
_And when they were escaped then they knew._ TOMORROW, A REVEALER A great many things are clearer today than they were last night. Tomorrow will clear up some of the mysteries of today. Weird shapes...
_In the same quarters were possessions of the chief man of the island, whose name was Publius._ PUBLIUS Here is-- I. An obscure man made famous. History says nothing about Publius. As far as the Rom...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 28:10 Travelers on ancient ships had to provide their own meals. The hospitable Maltese people gave Paul and his shipmates enough food for the rest of their voyage. ⇐
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 28:1. The best authorities read, “And when _we_ were escaped, then _we_ knew”—lit., _And having been saved, then we knew_, or learned (by intercourse with the inhabitants) MEL...
EXPOSITION ACTS 28:1 We for _they, _A.V. and T.R. (twice). WAS CALLED. It reads as if it was the answer to their question to the natives, "What is this island called?" MELITA. That Melita is the isla...
Tonight we'd like to just go through the twenty-eighth chapter of Acts and finish this book so that next Sunday night we move into the first two Chapter s of Romans. That's your reading assignment for...
1 Thessalonians 2:6; 1 Timothy 5:17; 1 Timothy 5:18; 1 Timothy 5:3;...
Honors [τ ι μ α ι ς]. The word was applied to payments for professional services, and that fact may have influenced Luke in selecting it; but it is evidently not used in that sense here....