V: 1, 2. In close connection with this unprecedented liberality of the
brethren, we are now introduced to a remarkable case of corruption, of
which it was the occasion. The praise always lavished on disinterested
benevolence sometimes prompts illiberal men to make a pretense of
liberality. But the m... [ Continue Reading ]
V: 1, 2. In close connection with this unprecedented liberality of the
brethren, we are now introduced to a remarkable case of corruption, of
which it was the occasion. The praise always lavished on disinterested
benevolence sometimes prompts illiberal men to make a pretense of
liberality. But the m... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 1... [ Continue Reading ]
3, 4. "_But Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled thy heart, to
lie to the Holy Spirit, and to keep back part of the price of the
land?_ (4) _While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was
sold, was it not in your own control? Why hast thou put this thing in
thy heart? Thou hast not li... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 3... [ Continue Reading ]
5. The exposure of Ananias was very surprising, but neither the
audience, nor perhaps Peter, was prepared by it for the event which
immediately followed. (5) "_And Ananias, hearing these words, fell
down and expired. And great fear came upon all who heard these
things._" There is no evidence that Pe... [ Continue Reading ]
6. The scene was too awful for lamentation, or for needless funeral
services. As when Nadab and Abihu fell dead at the door of the
tabernacle with strange fire in their censers, there was no weeping
nor delay. All were stricken with horror, as they saw the curse of God
fall upon the wretch. (6) "_An... [ Continue Reading ]
7. Sapphira was not present. (7) "_And it was about the space of three
hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in._" How
she remained so long ignorant of the fate of her husband, we are not
informed, though it is a most extraordinary circumstance. He had died
suddenly, in a manne... [ Continue Reading ]
8-10. She came in prepared to act out fully the part which she had
agreed upon with her husband. (8) "_Then Peter answered her, Tell me
whether you sold the land for so much? She said, Yes; for so much._
(9) _Then Peter said to her, Why is it that you have agreed together
to put to proof the Spirit... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 8... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 8... [ Continue Reading ]
11. The failure of the plot proved as propitious to the cause of truth
as its success would have been disastrous. (11) "_And great fear came
upon all the Church, and upon all who had heard these things._" This
fear was excited, not only by the sudden and awful fate of the guilty
pair, but also by th... [ Continue Reading ]
12, 13. Increased activity of the apostles followed, and their office
was still further magnified. (12) "_And through the hands of the
apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people. And they
were all, with one accord, in Solomon's Portico,_ (13) _and of the
rest no man dare join himself... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 12... [ Continue Reading ]
14. The statement just made, that "of the rest no man dared to join
himself to them," can not mean that persons dared not join the Church,
for the reverse is now stated. (14) "_And believers were the more
added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women._" The increased
awe in the presence of the... [ Continue Reading ]
15, 16. The connection of Luke's next statement, introduced by the
adverb _so that,_ is somewhat obscure: but I presume he intends to
state a result of all the facts just mentioned. Signs and wonders were
done by the apostles; the people magnified them, and believers were
the more added to the Lord.... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 15... [ Continue Reading ]
17, 18. The excitement which now prevailed throughout Jerusalem and
the neighboring villages, and found utterance in the most enthusiastic
praise of the apostles, was too much for the equanimity of the
dignitaries who had so strictly forbidden them to preach or teach in
the name of Jesus. (17) "_The... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 17... [ Continue Reading ]
19-21. When they were all seized and cast into prison together, the
apostles could but expect that they would now feel the entire weight
of the wrath which was treasured up against them. (19) "_But an angel
of the Lord opened the prison doors in the night, and led them forth,
and said,_ (20) _Go sta... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 19... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 19... [ Continue Reading ]
22, 23. After some delay, the officers returned into the presence of
the Sanhedrim without their prisoners. (22) "_But when the officers
arrived, and did not find them in the prison, they returned and
announced,_ (23) _saying, The prison we found closed with all safety,
and the guards standing befor... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 22... [ Continue Reading ]
24-26. The startling announcement was not without serious effect even
upon the stubborn Sadducees. They were staggered by it, and knew not
at first what to do or think. (24) "_Now when the high priest and the
captain of the temple, and the chief priest heard these words, they
were perplexed concerni... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 24... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 24... [ Continue Reading ]
27, 28. We have now a very lively and graphic description of the
arraignment and trial of the apostles. (27) "_And having brought them,
they placed them in the Sanhedrim, and the high priest asked them,_
(28) _saying, Did we not strictly command you not to speak in this
name? And behold, you have fi... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 27... [ Continue Reading ]
29-32. To these charges the apostles candidly and fearlessly respond.
(29) "_Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought
to obey God rather than men._" This answers the first charge. They
plead guilty, but justify themselves by the authority of God. Peter
and John had left the Sanh... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 29... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 29... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 29... [ Continue Reading ]
33. The Sanhedrim had been astonished at the boldness of Peter and
John on their former trial, but had contented themselves with severe
threatenings. Now, both their commands and their threats, having been
despised, and the bold innovators daring to defy them once more, they
lost, for a moment, all... [ Continue Reading ]
34-39. At this crisis the madness of the Sadducees was suddenly
checked by the prudent counsel of one of the opposite party. The
Pharisees were less exasperated, because their leading dogma was
sustained by the apostles, and they saw that any imprudent proceedings
were likely to involve the whole Sa... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 34... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 34... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 34... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 34... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 34... [ Continue Reading ]
40. There was no opposition to Gamaliel's advice. (40) "_And they
obeyed him; and having called the apostles, and scourged them, they
commanded them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go._"
Scourging was so common in the Roman empire, even of men untried and
uncondemned, and was so comm... [ Continue Reading ]
41, 42. However painful the scourging was, it did not cause any
resentful manifestations on the part of the sufferers, but they bore
it cheerfully. (41) "_Then they departed from the presence of the
Sanhedrim, rejoicing that they were thought worthy to be dishonored
for his name._ (42) _And every da... [ Continue Reading ]
See notes on verse 41... [ Continue Reading ]