Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 7:53
See notes on verse 51
See notes on verse 51
Verse 53. _BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS_] εις διαταγας αγγελων. After all that has been said on this difficult passage, perhaps the simple meaning is, that there were _ranks_, διαταγαι, _of angels_ a...
WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW - The Law of Moses, given on Mount Sinai. BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS - There has been much diversity of opinion in regard to this phrase, εἰς διαταγὰς ἀγγέλων eis diata...
CHAPTER 7 _ 1. The Address of Stephen (Acts 7:1)._ 2. The Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54). This is the largest chapter in this book and concludes the first section. Stephen is the chosen instrumen...
STEPHEN'S DEFENCE (Acts 7:1-7) When Oliver Cromwell was outlining the education he thought necessary for his son Richard, he said, "I would have him know a little history." It was to the lesson of hi...
"It was this man who said to the sons of Israel, 'God will raise up a prophet from among your brothers, like me.' It was this Moses who was in the gathering of the people in the wilderness, with the a...
HAVE. Omit. BY. unto. Greek. _eis._ App-104. DISPOSITION. Greek. _diatage._ Only here and Romans 13:2. The Syriac reads, "by the precept". Compare Acts 7:38 and Galatians 1:3;...
_who have received_ Better, _ye who received_the Law from Sinai. _by the disposition of angels_ Better, _at the ministration of angels_. St Paul (Galatians 3:19) has the same expression concerning the...
Acts 7:1-53. STEPHEN’S DEFENCE...
ΟἽΤΙΝΕΣ Κ.Τ.Λ., _ye who received the Law_, from Sinai. ΕἸΣ ΔΙΑΤΑΓᾺΣ�. Literally, ‘unto ordinances of angels,’ which signifies ‘_at the ministration_ of angels’ or ‘as it was ordained by angels.’ St Pa...
_STEPHEN, THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR ACTS 7:51-60:_ Stephen charged the people with: (1) being stiff necked, (2) uncircumcised in heart, (3) resisting the Holy Ghost, and (4) failing to keep the word...
ΟΪΤΙΝΕΣ _nom. pl._ от ΔΣΤΙΣ (G3748) indef. rel. _pron._ используется здесь для обозначения людей, принадлежащих к определенному классу (BAGD; BD, 153; RG, 728; NSV, 143-44). ΈΛΆΒΕΤΕ _aor. ind. act. о...
YE STIFF-NECKED, &C.— "Thus have I given you a brief account of the various periods of revelation, or the several dispensations of God to man, from the time in which Abraham, our renowned ancestor, wa...
c. Stephen's defence. Acts 7:1-53. Acts 7:1 And the high priest said, Are these things so? Acts 7:2 And he said, Brethren and fathers, hearken: The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham,...
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it. WHO HAVE RECEIVED, [ Hoitines (G3748) elabete (G2983)] - rather 'Who [are the parties that] received the law;' thus ident...
41 Idolatry is, etymologically, the offering of divine service to that which can be perceived by the senses. In this way, all objects of worship, even if they are supposed to be representations of the...
7:53 who (f-1) 'Who are such as.' ordained (g-7) See Galatians 3:19 ....
DEFENCE AND MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN 1-53. Speech of Stephen. There is every reason to believe that this speech was really delivered by St. Stephen, and not composed by St. Luke; for, (1) the speech does...
BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS] RV 'as it was ordained by angels'; RM 'as the ordinance of angels.' The precise meaning is uncertain, but some kind of mediation of angels in the giving of the Law is pro...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 7 STEPHEN’S SPEECH, PART 1: ABRAHAM’S *FAITH IN GOD, 7:1-8 V1 The *high priest asked Stephen, ‘Is this true?’ V2 Stephen replied, ‘Listen, brot...
WHO HAVE RECEIVED... — More accurately, _who received._ BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS. — Better, _as ordained of angels;_ or, more literally, _as ordinances of angels._ The Greek preposition cannot pos...
οἴτινες, _quippe qui_ (“ye who,” R.V.), as often in Acts and Epistles not simply for identification, but when as here the conduct of the persons already mentioned is further enlarged upon (Alford), _c...
A MARTYR'S GLORIOUS DEATH Acts 7:47-60 Words like these could not be forgiven. The growing irritation of the audience seems to have extorted those burning remonstrances, and to have hastened the fin...
The charge against Stephen was that he had spoken against the Temple and the Law. His reply consisted of a masterly review of the history of the nation from the calling of Abraham to the rejection of...
Stephen Slain For Preaching the Truth Like their fathers before them, Stephen accused the members of the council of having necks so rock hard that they could not bow before God. Though they had been c...
Who have received the law by the (y) disposition of angels, and have not kept [it]. (y) By the ministry of angels....
STEPHEN'S CULMINATION 51. _“Ye stiff-necked and uncircumcised in hearts and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost; as your fathers did, so do ye._ 52. _“Which one of the prophets did not your fa...
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. (52) Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain...
First of all we see man in an entirely new place man risen from among the dead and ascending to heaven. The risen ascended man, Christ Jesus, is the new starting-point of the dealings of God. The firs...
53._Who have received the law. _They called that fury wherewith they raged against Stephen zeal of the law, as if he had been a forsaker of the law, and a revolt (470) and had enforced others to fall...
Stephen, [11] as far as we are told, had not known the Lord during His life on earth. Certainly he was not appointed, like the apostles, to be a witness of that life. He was simply the instrument of t...
WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW, BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS,.... Who attended the angel that spake to Moses on Mount Sinai, Acts 7:38 who is the head of all principality and power, and whom he might make...
Who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept _it_. Ver. 53. _And have not kept it_] The Jews were so far from being a law to themselves, αυτονομοι (as the Thracians are s...
_Ye stiff-necked_, &c. Stephen, finding by a confused murmur in the place that they understood whither his discourse tended, and perceiving by the eagerness of their countenances that they would soon...
THE DISPOSITION; the ministration. Deuteronomy 33:2; GALATIANS 3:19; HEBREWS 2:2....
The peroration:...
WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS; AND HAVE NOT KEPT IT. Stephen had now reviewed the whole history of the Jews, showing in what manner they had at all times acted toward the Lord...
The high priest only asks the question, "Are these things so?" Then God provides room for Stephen to speak without interruption for some time. This stands in striking contrast to the way in which the...
WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW BY THE DIRECTION OF ANGELS AND HAVE NOT KEPT _IT._ " 1. The message of a prophet was not just the word of some man. It was received from God. His angels were involved in del...
ye who received the law as it was ordained by angels, and kept it not. 'ORDAINED BY ANGELS'-(Acts 7:38; Hebrews 2:2; Galatians 3:19) 'KEPT IT NOT'-Hence they were the ones who were guilty of treating...
51-53 Stephen was going on, it seems, to show that the temple and the temple service must come to an end, and it would be the glory of both to give way to the worship of the Father in spirit and in t...
THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS: or ministry of angels; the commandments were published from them ministerially; or the Son of God, (called an Angel, ACTS 7:35), accompanied with the militia of heaven, (for...
Pseudo-Tertullian Against All Heresies and sets forth Christ as born of the seed of Joseph, contending that He was merely human, without divinity; affirming also that the Law was given by angels;[47]...
Acts 7:53 who G3748 received G2983 (G5627) law G3551 by G1519 direction G1296 angels G32 and G2532 have...
“You who received the law as it was ordained by angels, and did not keep it.” But, he is saying, it is not really surprising that they had rejected the Righteous One, for these are the ones who had b...
REPLY TO THE CHARGE OF SPEAKING AGAINST THE LAW AND THE TEMPLE (7:44-53). Having been accused of speaking against the Law Stephen defends himself by speaking in favour of the oracles of God and point...
Acts 7:53. WHO HAVE RECEIVED THE LAW BY THE DISPOSITION OF ANGELS. That is to say, ‘the Divine law of Moses was announced to Israel, in the first place, by the holy angels acting as the ministers of t...
_Third Division of Stephens Speech._ Acts 7:37-53. _Moses and the Prophets._ Moses is again the central figure of the history, but now he stands forward as the great deliverer of the people. Stephen h...
YE WHO (οιτινες). The very ones who, _quippe qui_, often in Acts when the persons are enlarged upon (Acts 8:15; Acts 9:35; Acts 10:41; Acts 10:47).As it...
ANGELS (_ See Scofield) - (Hebrews 1:4). _...
Acts 6; Acts 7 Stephen. From the history of Stephen we learn: I. That fidelity to truth provokes antagonism; holiness and sin are mutually repellent; love and selfishness are the opposites of each o...
CONTENTS: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Stephen, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Aaron, Solomon, Sau...
The scope and design of St. Stephen's defence before the council will be better understood, if it be properly analyzed. The rulers construed his defence to import, that the glory of their temple shoul...
WAS THERE ANY PROPHET? Compare Matthew 23:29-36. THAT WAS HANDED DOWN BY ANGELS. Compare Hebrews 2:1-5. The Jews had an unhealthy interest in angels. [Compare note on Colossians 2:18-19.]...
_Then said the high priest, Are these things so?_ THE HIGH PRIEST AND HIS QUESTION This functionary was probably Theophilus, son-in-law of Caiaphas. The ex-officio president of the council called for...
_Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears._ STEPHEN’S CHANGE OF TONE I. Justified. 1. This was not the first Christian sermon that the Jews or the Sanhedrin had heard. Otherwise, possibly,...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 7:1 Stephen’s defense is the longest speech in Acts 1:1. It is a selective summary of OT history that turned the charges on his accusers: _they_ were the ones disobeying God because...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 7:45. OUR FATHERS THAT CAME AFTER should be simply _our fathers._ JESUS is _Joshua_, as in Hebrews 4:8. INTO (lit. in) THE POSSESSION OF THE GENTILES.—Meaning that the Ark was...
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 7:1. The high priest’s question, ARE THESE THINGS SO? analogous to that put to Christ (Matthew 26:62), was equivalent to a modern “Guilty or not guilty?” Acts 7:2. Concerning...
EXPOSITION ACTS 7:1 _And the high priest said _for then _said the high priest, _A.V. The high priest spoke as president of the Sanhedrim (see Acts 9:1. Acts 9:1 and...
Let's turn tonight to Acts chapter 7. In the early church when a dispute arose among the Grecians--that is, those Jews of the Grecian culture. They were actually Jews, but they had followed the Grecia...
Deuteronomy 33:2; Exodus 20:26; Ezekiel 20:18; Galatians 3:19;...
Who [ο ι τ ι ν ε ς]. Stronger than the simple relative who, and emphasizing their sin by contrast with their privileges : inasmuch as ye were those who received, etc. By the disposition of angels [ε ι...
STEPHEN'S LAST WORDS AND MARTYRDOM Acts 7:44 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Let us, by way of opening word, speak a few words on two great benefactions to Israel (see Acts 7:44). 1. THE FATHERS HAD THE TABERNA...
Who have received the law by the administration of angels — God, when he gave the law on Mount Sinai, was attended with thousands of his angels, Galatians 3:19; Psalms 68:17....