Combined Bible Commentary
Acts 7:59
See notes on verse 54
See notes on verse 54
Verse 59. _AND THEY STONED STEPHEN, CALLING UPON GOD_] The word _God_ is not found in any MS. or version, nor in any of the primitive fathers except _Chrysostom_. It is not genuine, and should not be...
CALLING UPON GOD - The word God is not in the original, and should not have been in the translation. It is in none of the ancient mss. or versions. It should have been rendered, “They stoned Stephen,...
CHAPTER 7 _ 1. The Address of Stephen (Acts 7:1)._ 2. The Martyrdom of Stephen (Acts 7:54). This is the largest chapter in this book and concludes the first section. Stephen is the chosen instrumen...
STEPHEN'S DEFENCE (Acts 7:1-7) When Oliver Cromwell was outlining the education he thought necessary for his son Richard, he said, "I would have him know a little history." It was to the lesson of hi...
As they listened to this their very hearts were torn with vexation and they gnashed their teeth at him. But he was full of the Holy Spirit and he gazed steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God...
CALLING UPON. There is no Ellipsis of the word God. See Revised Version. Stephen called upon and invoked the Lord. SPIRIT. App-101....
_And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God_ The last word is supplied to make the sense clear in English, but from the words which follow it is better to read "the Lord" instead of "God," for it is th...
ἘΠΙΚΑΛΟΎΜΕΝΟΝ, _calling upon_ the Lord. The noun must be supplied from the Κύριε which immediately follows. The verb ἐπικαλέομαι is used afterwards of St Paul’s appeal to Cæsar, Acts 25:11; Acts 26:3...
_STEPHEN, THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYR ACTS 7:51-60:_ Stephen charged the people with: (1) being stiff necked, (2) uncircumcised in heart, (3) resisting the Holy Ghost, and (4) failing to keep the word...
ΈΠΙΚΑΛΟΎΜΕΝΟΝ _praes. med. (dep.) part. (temp.) от_ ΈΠΙΚΑΛΈΩ (G1941) призывать, взывать. "В то время, как он призывал..." ΔΈΞΑΙ _aor. imper. med. (dep.), см._ Acts 7:38....
DISCOURSE: 1757 THE DEATH OF STEPHEN Acts 7:59. _And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And he kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not...
AND THEY STONED STEPHEN,— _While they stoned Stephen, he prayed, and said,_ &c. Literally, _They stoned Stephen, invoking and saying,_ &c. There is nothing for the word _God_ in the original. A solemn...
OUTSIDE THE CITY WALL. Acts 7:58-60. 58 and they cast him out of the city, and stoned him; and the witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul, 59 And they stoned Step...
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. AND THEY STONED STEPHEN,...
41 Idolatry is, etymologically, the offering of divine service to that which can be perceived by the senses. In this way, all objects of worship, even if they are supposed to be representations of the...
7:59 praying, (h-5) Lit. 'invoking,' 'calling on,' but in English we must have a word after this, which mars the connexion here. The Authorized Version seems to separate God and the Lord Jesus. 'Calli...
DEFENCE AND MARTYRDOM OF STEPHEN 1-53. Speech of Stephen. There is every reason to believe that this speech was really delivered by St. Stephen, and not composed by St. Luke; for, (1) the speech does...
CALLING UPON _God_] RV 'calling upon the Lord' (i.e. Jesus). RECEIVE MY SPIRIT] A direct prayer to Jesus, and, therefore, a proof that the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus was already established in...
GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE ACTS _MARION ADAMS_ CHAPTER 7 STEPHEN’S SPEECH, PART 1: ABRAHAM’S *FAITH IN GOD, 7:1-8 V1 The *high priest asked Stephen, ‘Is this true?’ V2 Stephen replied, ‘Listen, brot...
LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT. — The words are memorable as an instance of direct prayer addressed, to use the words of Pliny in reporting what he had learned of the worship of Christians, “to Christ...
CHAPTER 16 THE FIRST CHRISTIAN MARTYRDOM. Acts 7:58; Acts 8:1 THE apology of Stephen struck the keynote of Christian freedom, traced out the fair proportions of the Catholic Church, while the actual...
καὶ ἐλιθ. τὸν Σ. ἐπικ.: imperf., as in Acts 7:58, “quia res morte demum [60] perficitur,” Blass. ἐπικ., present participle, denoting, it would seem, the continuous appeal of the martyr to his Lord. Ze...
A MARTYR'S GLORIOUS DEATH Acts 7:47-60 Words like these could not be forgiven. The growing irritation of the audience seems to have extorted those burning remonstrances, and to have hastened the fin...
The charge against Stephen was that he had spoken against the Temple and the Law. His reply consisted of a masterly review of the history of the nation from the calling of Abraham to the rejection of...
Stephen Slain For Preaching the Truth Like their fathers before them, Stephen accused the members of the council of having necks so rock hard that they could not bow before God. Though they had been c...
_“Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”_ This is another one of the innumerable Scriptures which knocks the bottom out of soul-sleeping, proposing to brutalize you by taking away your immortal soul and humb...
Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye. (52) Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain...
First of all we see man in an entirely new place man risen from among the dead and ascending to heaven. The risen ascended man, Christ Jesus, is the new starting-point of the dealings of God. The firs...
_A LAST PRAYER_ ‘And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.’ Acts 7:59 The early martyrs were affectionately revered by the members of the early Christian...
And the witnesses. Luke signifieth, that even in that tumult they observed some show of judgment. This was not commanded in vain that the witnesses should throw the first stone; because, seeing they m...
Stephen, [11] as far as we are told, had not known the Lord during His life on earth. Certainly he was not appointed, like the apostles, to be a witness of that life. He was simply the instrument of t...
AND THEY STONED STEPHEN, CALLING UPON GOD,.... As he was praying, and putting up the following petition; AND SAYING, LORD JESUS RECEIVE MY SPIRIT; from whence we learn, that the spirit or soul of man...
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon _God_, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Ver. 59. _And they stoned Stephen_] Bembus wrote a dainty poem concerning Stephen, and therein hath this verse,...
_Then they cried out with a loud voice_ Being provoked to such a degree that they could not contain themselves, and meaning to drown the voice of Stephen; _and stopped their ears_ As if they could not...
_And_ thus _they stoned Stephen_ Who, during this furious assault, continued with his eyes fixed on the heavenly glory, of which he had so bright a vision, _calling upon God_ The word _God_ is not in...
CALLING UPON-AND SAYING, LORD JESUS; the word God is not in the original, as its being printed in italics shows. The prayer was offered to Jesus Christ, and it was the custom of the Christians in the...
The stoning of Stephen:...
The high priest only asks the question, "Are these things so?" Then God provides room for Stephen to speak without interruption for some time. This stands in striking contrast to the way in which the...
AND THEY STONED STEPHEN AS HE WAS CALLING ON _GOD_ AND SAYING, " LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT. " 1. As Stephen was praying, they began stoning him. 2. The prayer was addressed to Jesus. 3. He pray...
And they stoned Stephen, calling upon the Lord, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 'STONED STEPHEN'-According to Jewish sources in the Second Century A.D., the person to be stoned was placed...
54-60 Nothing is so comfortable to dying saints, or so encouraging to suffering saints, as to see Jesus at the right hand of God: blessed be God, by faith we may see him there. Stephen offered up two...
Stephen called upon him whom he saw standing, and that was our Saviour. MY SPIRIT; or, my soul: thus our Saviour commended his spirit into his Father's hands, LUKE 23:46 and this disciple imitates his...
Tertullian On the Resurrection of the Flesh although they were none other than his human knees[426] Tertullian Scorpiace ,[111] Tertullian Of Patience , and ceases not to speak concerning the Lor...
Acts 7:59 And G2532 stoned G3036 (G5707) Stephen G4736 on G1941 (G5734) and G2532 saying G3004 ...
‘And they stoned Stephen, calling on the Lord, and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” But as they stoned him, Stephen looked up to heaven and prayed to ‘the Lord', calling out, “Lord Jesus, rece...
THE FINAL CONCLUSION (7:54-60). Learned judges do not like those who are on trial trying to convict them of being criminals, and as they were unwilling to admit that they were wrong the result was in...
Acts 7:59. AND THEY STONED STEPHEN. Twice the writer of the ‘Acts' tells us this, a remarkable repetition in a history usually so sparing in its details. It would seem to point (as perhaps also does t...
THEY STONED (ελιθοβολουν). Same verb and tense repeated, they kept on stoning, they kept it up as he was calling upon the Lord Jesus and making direct prayer to him as "Lord Jesus" (Κυριε Ιησου).RE...
GOD Omit God. Literally, And were stoning Stephen as he was invoking and saying, Lord Jesus, give welcome unto my spirit....
Acts 7:59 Note: I. The faith of Stephen. How was it manifested, and in what respect may we seek to imitate it? Now, I think we may say that as his faith was seen in every part of his trial, so most r...
Acts 6; Acts 7 Stephen. From the history of Stephen we learn: I. That fidelity to truth provokes antagonism; holiness and sin are mutually repellent; love and selfishness are the opposites of each o...
CONTENTS: Address of Stephen before the council. Stephen martyred. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Stephen, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Pharaoh, Moses, Pharaoh's daughter, Aaron, Solomon, Sau...
The scope and design of St. Stephen's defence before the council will be better understood, if it be properly analyzed. The rulers construed his defence to import, that the glory of their temple shoul...
LORD JESUS, RECEIVE MY SPIRIT! This shows his confident faith! HE KNELT DOWN. The point is, that like Jesus, he prayed for his enemies. AND DIED. Stephen's death was murder because: (1) no vote was ta...
_And they stoned Stephen._ THE CLEARING SHOWER OF LIFE When mists have hung low over the hills, and the day has been dark with intermittent showers, great clouds hurry across the sky, and the rain co...
_Then they cried with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him._ THE FIRST GOSPEL MARTYR I. The matter for which he died. II. The Divine assistance which he experienced. III. The com...
ACTS—NOTE ON ACTS 7:59 Stephen’s dying prayer recalls Jesus’ words during his crucifixion (Luke 23:34, Luke 23:46)....
_CRITICAL REMARKS_ Acts 7:54. CUT TO THE HEART.—See on Acts 7:33. The word describes a keener pang than “pricked “in Acts 2:37. GNASHED ON HIM WITH THEIR TEETH.—Lit. _snapped their teeth against him_,...
EXPOSITION ACTS 7:1 _And the high priest said _for then _said the high priest, _A.V. The high priest spoke as president of the Sanhedrim (see Acts 9:1. Acts 9:1 and...
Let's turn tonight to Acts chapter 7. In the early church when a dispute arose among the Grecians--that is, those Jews of the Grecian culture. They were actually Jews, but they had followed the Grecia...
1 Corinthians 1:2; Acts 2:21; Acts 22:16; Acts 9:14; Acts 9:21;...
Calling upon God. God is not in the Greek. From the vision just described, and from the prayer which follows, it is evident that Jesus is meant. So Rev., the Lord. Jesus. An unquestionable prayer to...
STEPHEN'S LAST WORDS AND MARTYRDOM Acts 7:44 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Let us, by way of opening word, speak a few words on two great benefactions to Israel (see Acts 7:44). 1. THE FATHERS HAD THE TABERNA...
And they stoned Stephen, invoking and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit — This is the literal translation of the words, the name of God not being in the original. Nevertheless such a solemn prayer...
Observe here, 1. The holy deportment of this humble saint at his death; he prays. Learn hence, That good men should shut up their lives with prayer, and die with prayer in their mouths. Our Saviour d...