Ephesians 6 - Introduction

SECTION TWO 6:1-4 Section Three 6:5-9"in Christ". DIVISION SIXCHAPTER 6:10-24CONFLICT AND THE WAY OF VICTORY_ is not through a positive attitude!_ It is rooted in a positive expectation of our loving Father's tender care and mercy towards us. It is not our attitude that wins the day, but the love... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:1

(6:1) The first command--"obey". Obedience is a clear demonstration of submission to authority. It is especially true when you as a child disagree with the instructions of your parent. "In the Lord" refers to the quality of your obedience, not the condition of the parent's relationship to God.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:2

(6:2,3) The second command--"Honor". "Honor" means to place in a position of high esteem, to cause respect to be shown. God rewards t\is action on the part of children towards parents with personal peace and long life.... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:4

Now, pay special note that there are no instructions here for mothers. This is because the father is the head of the family and is in the position of authority over his wife and the children. God holds the father, not the mother, especially accountable for the well being of the family and the instru... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:5

(6:5,6) "Slaves" were so for any number of reasons. They might have been drawn into slavery by debt, or by an act of war, or by purchase. This is not an endorsement by Paul of the existence of slavery, but of recognition that the condition was common and that the follower of Christ was likely to com... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:9

(6:9) If the slave is to grant respect and concern to the master, the master is commanded "not to threaten them". This is because the "Master...in heaven", the Lord Jesus, is Lord over all and does not view either of them in any sense of particular favor. Our standing in heaven is "in Christ" and in... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:10

(6:10) Our strength is ultimately "in the Lord". This verse recognizes that our human strengths have no substance in God's realm nor in the sphere of Christian service. It is "His mighty power" that we weld and not our own pitiful human influence. The key to humility rests on our understanding of th... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:11

(6:11,12) There is a "full armor" provided the believer by God that will protect us "against the wiles of the devil". Satan is the master deceiver and the father of all lies. His deception is beyond the ability of man to withstand, but we are not left defenseless. Because the "battle is not against... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:13

(6:13-17) Here then is "the full armor of God" for the Saint...It is given that you "may be able to stand...and having done everything you know to do, to remain standing." The picture is one of victory. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to s... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:18

(6:18) Following the context of the previous verse, prayer "in the Spirit" is prayer within the sphere of the Word of God. It is not possible to read into this phrase a charismatic utterance. Our prayers and requests are to flow out of our alert minds and concern for other believers. We are to apply... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:19

(6:19,20) Look at the examples given by Paul of what the believers in Ephesus should be praying for regarding his needs... "that words may be given". This is for specific knowledge for ministry of the Gospel, and for a spirit of "fearlessness" in the declaration of the Gospel. Nothing of relief or p... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:21

(6:21,22) Paul is sending them a report in order that they might know how he is and what his work consists of. He is not partitioning for assistance or support. This is a testimony of God's provision specifically for their encouragement. How different this is from the media evangelists and preachers... [ Continue Reading ]

Ephesians 6:23

(6:23,24) Note that "faith" is from "God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." This is an important statement. "Peace and love" are declared to be their due as saints. "Peace" is their standing before God the Father in the Son. There is no more any animosity between the Father and the believer. "Lo... [ Continue Reading ]

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