David's grief for his son Absalom. David was there in his chamber wailing over Absalom.

So they told Joab, David's really wailing over Absalom's death. And Joab came unto David and he said, All right now David let's cut this out. He said, These men have gone out and hazard their lives for you. And they've brought you victory over your enemies. But now they are sneaking back into town like they were criminals because of your great grief for Absalom, you're actually making them ashamed of what they have done. And if you don't change your behavior in a hurry, they're all gonna turn against you none of them will ever go out and hazard their lives for you again. So you get out there among them. Dry your tears, and go out and congratulate them on the battle or else you're gonna really lose out completely now, because these men that have been so loyal to you will surely turn against you. [This was actually good advice on Joab's part.] And so David went out among the men there in the gate. And greeted them and so forth, and did really the right thing for these men who had hazard their lives for David (2 Samuel 19:1-8).

Now there began then a movement of bringing their king back. Actually they had more or less turned from David, Israel had turned, Jerusalem had turned, and now they have started a movement to bring David back.
And so David came back to the Jordan River, as he was returning to Jerusalem, and the first one to meet him at the Jordan River was this guy Shimei who was throwing rocks and cursing him on his way out. And now that David is coming back, Shimei is down there to visit him, and to greet him, and to welcome him back.

And he fell down before the king [verse eighteen] even as he came to the Jordan river. And he said to David, Let not my lord impute iniquity unto me, neither do thou remember that which thy servant did perversely the day that my lord the king went out of Jerusalem, that the king should take it to his heart. For thy servant doth know that I have sinned: therefore, I am come this first day, and all of the house of Joseph to meet my lord the king. And Abishai [who wanted to take off his head earlier] said to David, Shall not Shimei be put to death for this, because he cursed the Lord's anointed? And David said, What have I to do with you, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should this day be adversaries unto me? shall there be any man put to death this day in Israel? for do not I know that I am this day king over Israel? Therefore David said to Shimei, Thou shalt not die. And the king sware unto him (2 Samuel 19:18-23).

The next one to meet him was Mephibosheth who was the son of Jonathan. They had told David a lie, the servants of Mephibosheth had told David a lie saying that Mephibosheth had pledged allegiance to Abashi, or was trying to take over the kingdom himself after David fled.

So Mephibosheth came to David, and David said, Well how come you turned against me? And Mephibosheth said, That was a lie. I didn't turn against you David, I'm crippled, and he said, I needed a donkey to ride on, and they deceived me [and they didn't bring me a donkey, and therefore I was stuck.] (2 Samuel 19:24-27):

So David forgave him when he found out that it was all just a lie that had been told to him about Mephibosheth. So they bring back David the king, and this man that had met him and offered him all of these foods, and dainties and all, David sought to bring back, and to be with David in Jerusalem.
The guy said, "Hey man, I'm eighty years old. I'm happy here, and I'm too old to enjoy the dancing girls and all at this point. Why should I go back to Jerusalem? I just as soon die here where I am." So David thanked him for all of his goodness, and left him.
Now there had been a continual sort of division between the northern tribes of Israel and the southern tribe of Judah. This division of course was manifested in the beginning of David's reign. David reigned for seven years over Judah before he reigned over all of Israel. Now that there has been this division in the kingdom, this old rivalry rises again. There is this fellow in the northern kingdom, of course later on under David's grandson Rehoboam there came the complete break, and Jeroboam became king of Israel, and Rehoboam the king of Judah, from that time on there were actually two nations. They never were united again, except in a few battles. The kings would get together in battles but quite often, and more often than not, they were fighting against each other rather than fighting with each other. It became a definite divided kingdom.
Interestingly enough, in the prophecy of Ezekiel where God promises to restore the nation, God promises in the restoration of the nation, that they would be one nation, not two when they were restored. Of course since 1948, in the restoration of the nation Israel, you don't have the northern tribes versus the southern tribes. But there is a definite unity of all of the nation of Israel. The scriptures have been totally fulfilled, as they are unified as a nation, one ruler over them, and a unified nation, just as was predicted by Ezekiel so many years ago. "

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