1 Chronicles 19 - Introduction

SUMMARY QUESTIONS LESSON NINE 19-20 276. Who was Hanash? Name his son. 277. Why did David send some men to Ammon and how were they received? 278. Explain the action of the Ammonites. 279. Why mention the matter of shaving? 280. Locate and name the place where David's men were told to wait.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Chronicles 19:1-19

LESSON NINE 19-20 ISRAEL'S CONFLICT WITH AMMON THE CONQUEST OF THE PHILISTINES 11. VICTORY OVER AMMON AND SYRIA (1 Chronicles 19:1-19) INTRODUCTION The conflict with the Ammonites was one of the most critical in which David was ever involved. During this encounter David sinned with Bathsheba and... [ Continue Reading ]

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