1 Kings 5:1 to 1 Kings 6:38

Without question the greatest achievement of Solomon's glorious reign was the construction of the Jerusalem Temple. Using plans designed by David, and the expertise of Phoenician craftsmen, Solomon brought into being what surely must have been one of the wonders of ancient architecture. In chapter 5 the author relates the preparations which were made for this pious undertaking, and in chapter 6 he describes the Temple as it was completed.



A. Names: Be able to identify each of the following and relate their significance to the construction of the Temple.

1. King Hiram

5. Ziv and Bui

2. Hiram, the widow's son

6. Jachin and Boaz

3. Lebanon

7. Succoth and Zarethan

4. Tyre

B. Numbers

1. The total number of people employed in the Temple project.
2. The number of years which elapsed between the Exodus and the commencement of the Temple work.
3. The dimensions of the Temple.
4. The length of time consumed in building the Temple.
5. The length of time involved in construction of the palace complex.

C. Other Facts

1. Name the various divisions or areas of Solomon's Temple.
2. Name the various furnishings of each division or area of the Temple proper and the court.
3. Name the major items of the Temple constructed under the direction of Hiram.


1. Why was David refused permission to build God a Temple?

2. Why was Hiram so happy to hear of Solomon's intentions to build a Temple? 1 Kings 5:7

3. Ancient covenants usually involved mutual recognition of deities. Do you think that was the case in the covenant between Solomon and Hiram?
4. How does the organization of workers for the Temple project reveal the wisdom of Solomon?
5. What possible symbolism is there in the Holy of Holies being a cube?
6. For what purpose were side chambers built about the Temple on three sides?

7. Ancient temples were not so much places for the worshipers to enter (they were too small for this purpose) as dwelling places for deities. On what did the presence of God in Solomon's Temple depend? 1 Kings 6:11-13

8. What were cherubim? How were they represented in Israelite art?
9. What purpose might the house of the forest of Lebanon have served? How did it get its name?
10. What is so significant about Solomon's marriage to Pharaoh's daughter?
11. What purpose did the two massive pillars before Solomon's Temple serve?
12. What purpose did the molten sea serve? The mobile lavers?

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