College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
1 Timothy 1:1,2
Text 1:1, 2
1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the commandment of God our Saviour, and Christ Jesus our hope: 2 unto Timothy, my true child in faith: Grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thought Questions 1:1, 2
When, and where, and why did God command Paul to be an apostle?
In what sense can God be referred to as our Saviour?
Christ is our hope in a particular sense; explain.
Is there any significance in the arrangement of the name Christ Jesus instead of Jesus Christ?
Why call Timothy a true child? Did Paul mean there were some who were not?
Show the inter-relation of the words: grace, mercy, peace. Could we arrange these words in a different order? Should we do so? Why?
Paraphrase 1:1, 2
1 I Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, write this epistle by the commandment of God, the contriver of our salvation, and of the Lord Jesus Christ, on whose death, and not on the sacrifices of the law, our hope of eternal life is founded,
2 To Timothy, who is my genuine son in the faith, being like-minded, with myself: May gracious assistances, merciful deliverances, such as I have obtained, and inward peace from God our Father, and Christ Jesus our Lord, be multiplied to thee.
Comment 1:1, 2
1 Timothy 1:1. Although this is a personal letter it carries Apostolic authority, It is to be read to others and referred to, again and again for divine confirmation of these things taught by Timothy, The reference to Paul's apostleship was not for Timothy's benefit, but for those of Ephesus among whom Timothy was working. Is Paul stating here that God commanded him to be an apostle, or that God commanded him to write the letter? We much prefer the thought of his apostleship, It seems artificial to supply the thought that God commanded him to write. We can recall immediately when and where God called or commanded him to be an apostle. The word apostle means one sent, There were some persons designated as apostles, who were sent from the churches. (Cf. Philippians 2:25, 2 Corinthians 8:23, Acts 14:14) There were only twelve and Paul as apostles of Christ Jesus, or sent from Christ Jesus.
Why say Christ Jesus and not Jesus Christ? Remember that each name has a meaning. The writer is not using the order with no thought. The office of the Christ, i.e. the anointed one is more prominent here. In its context we can see why. Paul is one sent by the anointed one and this is in accord with the command from such,
God is here called our Saviour. The expression is found only in the Pastorals. Why? Could it be that Timothy and those of Ephesus needed to be reminded of the ultimate source of our salvation? Christ could never have provided our salvation if God had not sent Him. Paul said elsewhere in hope were we saved (Romans 8:24). It is God who saved us, but it is Christ Jesus who provides the hope in such salvation. Thus Paul is commanded by the fountain of our salvation and the embodiment of our hope to be an apostle.
1 Timothy 1:2. Are we to understand that Paul is addressing Timothy as his son in the faith or is he referring to the genuiness of Timothy's Christian character? There is a division of opinion on this point. Since Timothy was a convert of Paul, and since he did refer to such relationship in other places, such would not be unusual here. The issue to decide, is whether Paul wants to relate Timothy to himself, or to what Paul has just written. Paul spoke of his own relationship to God and Christ; what is the relationship of Timothy? Is Timothy a genuine child of the faithor a genuine child of Paul's in the faith? Which is it? Are not both true?
The divine blessing pronounced by Paul on Timothy is a most interesting one. In other epistles grace and peace are in the greetings, but nowhere do we find mercy except in the Pastorals. Why would Timothy need mercyperhaps more than others? Mercy has to do with God's acceptance in spite of our failures. Was Timothy in some special need of such treatment? Perhaps he was. Some see an inter-relationship between these words. Grace first, to forgive our past sins, mercy to overlook our present failures, this results in peace in our hearts.
How did Paul imagine such blessings would be bestowed? In obedience to the divine laws of God we shall have the divine benefits attached thereto.
Fact Questions 1:1, 2
Explain the use of the word apostle both generally and specifically.
What is the application of the word command as here used?
Specify just how God becomes our Saviour.
Jesus is our hope in what areas?
In what sense was Timothy a genuine child?
Show the inter-relationship of: grace, mercy and peace.
Reproduce the outline of the letter.
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus according to the Commandment of God our Saviour. Explain the Commandment in this verse.
... and the goal of the charge is love out of a pure heart.. Explain the charge, and the arrival at the goal, i.e. how the goal is achieved.
But we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully.. Explain the lawful use of the law.
.. but I received mercy because being ignorant I acted in unbelief. Show how ignorance relates to mercybe careful here.
.. the prophecies which led the way to you, that you might wage in them the good warfare.. Explain the prophecies, and Timothy's use of them.
In order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. What is going to provide this type of life? Explain the cause of which this is a result,
I desire therefore, that men pray in every place, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and disputing. Discuss the connection between prayer, wrath and disputing.
Give the two reasons for saying: I do not permit a woman to teach.
Faithful is the Word: if someone reaches after an overseership, he desires a good work. Discuss the words: reaches after and good work.
Discuss two mental qualifications, and two personality qualifications of the bishop.
Would a man who had developed the ability to superintend well by other means than rearing a family, be excluded from the eldership? If so why? If not why not?
Explain the following phrase: And let these first be tested.
Is there room for females in the office of deacon? Discuss.
Give meaning to the following: Because every created thing of God is good, and nothing to be thrown away, being received with thanksgiving: for it is sanctified thru God's word and petition. Explain especially the last phrase.
Explain how godliness is profitable for all things.
What gift or gifts did Timothy have? How did he get them? What was he to do with them?
Answer the following questions about the enrollment of widows: 1) What is the meaning of the term enrollment? 2) For what purpose? 3) What qualifications? (state and explain at least two) 4) Should we practice it now?
What is the double honor of the elders?
Who is the blessed and only potentate.. Please explain from the context why you answer as you do.