College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
2 John 1:12,13
A projected visit and a salutation. 2 John 1:12-13
(2 John 1:12) Having many things to write to you I would not do so through paper and ink, but I hope to come to you and to speak mouth to mouth, in order that our joy may be having been made full. (2 John 1:13) Children of your elect sister greet you.
Nothing is more difficult than the attempt to bring about the reconciliation of a profound disagreement through written correspondence. John brings his correspondence with the elect lady to a close with much left unsaid, but with the hope that he will soon be able to speak mouth to mouth. The give and take of dialogue frequently accomplishes more than the one-sided presentation of truth, especially in writing.
The church (either the local congregation or the brotherhood in the area surrounding Ephesus) is included is his closing salutation. This is typical of such correspondence in that day. Paul frequently resorts to this form of closing.
Questions for Review
Why did some early scribes include II John as part of the manuscript with I John?
What are some of the different views of the identity of the elect lady?
Which of these views is probably correct? Support your answer.
What is the probable meaning of the term elder as used here by John?
Against what does II John constitute a warning?
How does John's position against gnosticism answer the present day philosophy that all truth is relative?
The grace of God is that in God which brings about our __________ of Him.
The grace of God is expressed toward us in ______________ which reaches its intended end in __________________.
Sin, in its deepest sense, is a crime against _____________ more than _____________.
A crime against law can be punished by _____________.
A crime against love can only be atoned for by _____________. Hence, if we are to be forgiven, God must take the initiative.
How would you answer the claim that the peace of God in the heart of Christians is the opiate of the people to lull them into the grasp of those who would enslave and exploit?
Why is John pleasantly surprised to find the wandering children of the elect lady walking according to truth?
The only admissible evidence that we know truth is that we _____________________.
The fundamental commandment of God to His children is that we ________________.
How does love express itself? (2 John 1:6)
Love will not allow ____________________ with falsehood.
Who does John identify as the antichrist in II John? How does this compare with what John says about the antichrist in I John, chapter 2?
The essential truth upon which both the personal salvation of Christians and the fellowship of the church rests is ______________.
What is meant by the doctrine of Christ in II John, chapter 9?
What is the danger of progress as set forth in II John, chapter 9?
Why are we forbidden to be hospitable to false teachers?