Text (2 Thessalonians 2:10)

10 and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

Translation and Paraphrase


And (his manner of coming is just what you might expect. It is in keeping) with every (form of) deceit (that is within the ability) of unrighteousness. (He comes particularly) to the lost, because they have not (welcomed nor) received the love of the truth so that they might be saved (and therefore they are easily deceived by the doctrines of the man of sin).

Notes (2 Thessalonians 2:10)


Two things are stated about the coming of the Wicked one, the man of sin:


He comes with all power, and signs, and lying wonders. 2 Thessalonians 2:9.


He comes with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:10.


We have talked to numerous people who have gone off into some cult or strange doctrine. Many of these people have told us, I had been a member of several churches, and I tried to understand the Bible, but I just never was satisfied unto I went into my present belief.


Perhaps the reason that they were not satisfied was that they had been fed on denominational teaching, rather than actually on what the Bible says. Such doctrines as (1) that we are saved by faith alone, or (2) that one church is just as good as another, or (3) that everybody is going to heaven; we are just going there by different routes, are enough to make anybody dissatisfied if he has studied the Scriptures with understanding.

A person will surely be more than satisfied with his faith, if he will do these things:


Believe in Jesus as God's son and your only Lord and savior.


Take the Bible as your only authority.


Repent and be baptized (immersed) for the remission of sins, as the Holy Spirit commanded. Acts 2:38.


Call yourself a Christian, or a disciple of Christ, but don-'t wear any denominational names invented by men.


Consider yourself a member of ONLY that divine church to which the Lord adds all saved people. Acts 2:47. If Paul and the early Christians could be members of the Lord's church without belonging to any denomination, we also can do it and should.


Be faithful in worship, telling others about your faith, giving your money, prayer, and the study of God's word.


Still there are people who have known the truth, but are restless and desire to know things that God has not revealed. They are always looking for something novel and spectacular, something that will make them feel that they are superior to their brethren. They long to be the enlightened ones, the gnostics. This is a dangerous attitude of mind, and often causes them to accept some outlandish doctrine.

We should have an attitude such as David had when he said, Lord, my heart is not haughty, nor mine eyes lofty: neither do I exercise myself in great matters, or in things too high for me. Psalms 131:1.


The deceivableness of unrighteousness means the deceit which unrighteousness uses. Unrighteousness will use any trick to win followers. Unrighteousness uses half-truths, the pressure of business and friends, appeals to pride, brainwashing, and any other method that will obtain our support.

Because Christians are harmless as doves, they sometimes mistakenly assume that others have the same straight-forward, good-intentioned spirit that they themselves have. Unfortunately that is not the case. Hence we must not only be as harmless as doves, but as wise as serpents. Matthew 10:16.


This verse mentions them that perish. These people are also called them that are lost. (The word here translated perish (apollumi) in the middle voice means to be lost.)

Thus we read in 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 that, If our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the God of this world (Satan) hath blinded the minds -

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