College Press Bible Study Textbook Series
2 Timothy 1:12-14
Paul 2 Timothy 1:12-14
Text 1:12-14
12 For which cause I suffer also these things: yet I am not ashamed; for I know him whom I have believed, and I am persuaded that he is able to guard that which I have committed unto him against that day. 13 Hold the pattern of sound words which thou hast heard from me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 14 That good thing which was committed unto thee, guard through the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us.
Thought Questions 1:12-14
For what cause did Paul suffer? Specify some of his sufferings.
There must have been a genuine danger of being ashamed, or it would not have been mentioned so often. Please offer some particular possibilities for being ashamed.
Because he knew Christ, Paul was not embarrassed or confused. Explain how such a knowledge relates to being ashamed or embarrassed.
In what particular sense would you say Paul knew Christ?
What was it Paul committed to Christ?
What was it Christ committed to Paul?
How will Christ guard the deposit? Please be specific and personal.
What is the day against which the commitment is made?
How is the word, pattern, used in 2 Timothy 1:13?
For whom, and against whom, was the pattern of sound words to be held?
Is Paul asking Timothy to hold to the healthy words in the spirit of faith and love, or because of his faith and love?
What was the deposit committed to Timothy?
Explain in your own words, with your present knowledge, just how the Holy Spirit would aid in guarding the deposit.
In what sense does the Holy Spirit dwell in us?
Paraphrase 1:12-14
12 For publishing the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ to the Gentiles, I suffer even such things as have now befallen me. Nevertheless, I am not ashamed either of my doctrine or of my sufferings. For I know in whom I have believed, that he is the Son of God; and I am persuaded He is able to guard the doctrine of the Gospel which is committed in trust to me, against infidels and false teachers, till the end of the world.
13 The form of wholesome words in which thou hast heard from me the doctrines of the Gospel, hold fast with that fidelity to Christ, and that love to those who err, which become a minister of Christ,
14 Also, the good deposit of the Gospel doctrine itself, guard by the assistance of the Holy Ghost, who dwelleth in us,
Comment 1:12-14
2 Timothy 1:12. Because I am a preacher, apostle and teacher, I am suffering. Paul's sufferings are minimized by the use of the phrase. these things, but Timothy knew well to what Paul alluded, In immediate context, they refer to all he is suffering in Rome. Fora larger reference, we should read his account in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28. The thought of Job's friends is back of all references to being ashamed, i.e., if you are doing God's will, why are you suffering? Paul's answer is the same as Job'S. It is found in a person. not in a dogma, I know Christ and Christ knows me; I am perfectly willing to commit my case to Him, I do not understand or enjoy this chain, but I am not embarrassed or discouraged by it. My life is under the direction of my Lord. He is able to work something good out of every circumstance.
There is no small discussion among commentators as to what is committed to whom. Has Paul committed something to God, or has God committed something to Paul? In either case, the emphasis is upon Paul's dependence upon Christ.
If Paul has committed something to God, what is it? His soul, his work, or what? Are not all of these true?
If God has committed something to Paul (and we know from other references that He has), we know what it ishis Apostle-ship and the Gospel.
We much prefer the thought that God is guarding that which He has committed to Paul. This interpretation fits the context. Paul is suffering now, but the work will yet be carried on. What Paul has kept will be passed on to others and to yet others. How good to know we have living proof of God's power to guard and keep, in the Gospel which we proclaim. When Paul is called upon to give an account of his stewardship, he will be able to show a grand profit for the owner. Will we be able to say as much?
2 Timothy 1:13. What is the meaning of the word, pattern, as here used? The word means outline or sketch. Paul has given the outline; Timothy is to fill it in. Let us not minimize the force of this expression. To go beyond the pattern would be to produce another Gospel, and surfer the condemnation of God (Cf. Galatians 1:7-9). Timothy knew what Paul taught, and what he did not teach, on the matters that pertained to salvation and edification. Such teaching from the words of Paul was healthy and life-giving. Any deviation from such teaching was diseased and deadly.
The attitude in holding the faith is almost as important as the thing held. However orthodox we might be, our orthodoxy will be odious to God and man if not held in faith and love. Please read again I Corinthians, chapter thirteen, to keep the balance between sound doctrine and the essential element. This faith and love for man and God is held in Christ Jesus; i.e., it is the outworking of Christ in us.
2 Timothy 1:14. We have no hesitancy in saying that the deposit Timothy is to guard is the Gospel committed to him. It is easy to detect the concern of Paul for the continuance of the work after his death. How true this has been for every sincere preacher since his day.
Paul had kept the faith, so he wanted Timothy to keep intact the sacred message committed unto him. Timothy was to see to it that no change by way of addition, substitution or subtraction, should occur. Such a task is too great for man by himself. Satan is too cleverevil is too neartemptation too strong. We must have supernatural aid. This we have through the Holy Spirit which indwells each Christian (Cf. Romans 8:11). This is a subjective matter which almost defies explanation, Perhaps we are to claim the power without asking for an explanation of His method of operation. I am sure we are.
Fact Questions 1:12-14
How did Paul minimize his sufferings?
How does Paul's answer to the problem of suffering compare with the answer of Job?
Why is the thought that God is guarding what He has committed to Paul, preferred above the other view?
In what sense did Paul deliver a sketch to Timothy?
In what way is the attitude in holding the faith important?
How can we detect Paul's concern for the continuance of the Gospel, even after his death?
In what particulars was Timothy to guard the Gospel?
Explain how the Holy Spirit helps us to guard the deposit.