
As a workman 2 Timothy 2:14-19

Text 2:14-19

14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them in the sight of the Lord, that they strive not about words, to no profit, to the subverting of them that hear, 15 Give diligence to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, handling aright the word of truth. 16 But shun profane babblings: for they will proceed further in ungodliness, 17 and their word will eat as doth a gangrene: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus; 18 men who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some. 19 Howbeit the firm foundation of God standeth, having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are His: and, let every one that nameth the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness.

Thought Questions 2:14-19


Of what things is Timothy to put them in remembrance? Did they already know? When and how did they learn?


What is meant by the word, charging, as in 2 Timothy 2:14?


Please try to imagine the circumstances in which Timothy would carry out the instructions of 2 Timothy 2:14. Who is to receive this charge? Are those involved in the word-battles to be aware of the sight of God?


Who would be subverted? Why?


Does 2 Timothy 2:15 have anything to do with Bible Study?


How would Timothy know when he was approved unto God?


Timothy was to consider himself a workman; what were his tools? What was his job?


What could cause embarrassment to God's workman?


There are three possible readings for 2 Timothy 2:15 b: (1) handling aright the Word of Truth; (2) a straight course in the Word of Truth; (3) rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Which do you prefer? Please, please make an effort to chooseit is important.


What is the meaning of the word, profane, as used in 2 Timothy 2:16 a?


How could Timothy shun profane babblings without shunning the teachers of it? Explain.


Why could Paul be so sure that such vain talk would progress if not ignored?


In what way is false teaching like a cancer?


Why mention Hymenaeus and Philetus? Read 1 Timothy 1:20. Had Paul failed in his efforts to help Hymenaeus?


Is there anyone today who follows the teachings of the two mentioned in 2 Timothy 2:17? Be specific.


What resurrection is meant in 2 Timothy 2:18? Is not our baptism a resurrection? Cf. Romans 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:1-3. Explain.


Show how 2 Timothy 2:19 offers an answer to the false teachers, and a hope for the ultimate victory of truth.


What is the firm foundation?


Explain the use of the seal as here used.

Paraphrase 2:14-19

14 Put the Ephesians in mind of these great motives, earnestly testifying to them in the presence of Christ, and as they shall answer to him, not to fight about words (see 1 Timothy 6:4), as the Judaizers do, to no manner of use, but to the subverting of the faith and morals of the hearers.

15 Strive to behave so as at last thou mayest present thyself to God an approved unashamed workman, who hath rightly distributed the doctrine of the Gospel to all, according to their need.
16 But irreligious empty declamations resist, for they who use such discourses will increase to more ungodliness; they will proceed to deny the most essential articles of the Christian faith;
17 And their doctrine will eat, will destroy the souls of men, as a gangrene destroys the body. Of this sort of ungodly talkers are Hymenaeus and Philetus.
18 Who from the true Christian doctrine have wandered, affirming that the resurrection hath already happened; and by this impious babbling have overturned the faith of some concerning the resurrection of the body, and a future life in the body.

19 These false teachers, by denying the doctrine of the apostles, make themselves greater than the apostles. Nevertheless, the apostles being the foundation of God's Church (Ephesians 2:20), stand firm in that honourable place, having this inscription as a confirmation of their authority, The Lord will make known them who are his: And, Let every one who nameth the name of Christ as his Lord, depart from wicked teachers, lest with them he be destroyed.

Comment 2:14-19

2 Timothy 2:14. Paul turns from a discussion of Timothy, to discuss those with whom Timothy is working. The great eternal truths of the Gospel, stated in 2 Timothy 2:8-13, are to be implanted in the minds and hearts of the saints at Ephesus and surrounding area, Particularly should such truths be appreciated by the elders of the several churches,

Such persons had heard from Paul the same truths he has written to Timothy; therefore, he is but to put them in remembrance. It is so easy to forget, How involved some people become in discussions about some fine point of the law, The word battles here being held were not about the law of God, but related to the endless genealogies, the myths and fables of the traditions of the Jewish fathers.
When Timothy came upon a group of Christians gathered around two or three or more of the church leaders, listening to a heated discussion about some point of Jewish tradition, he was to stop such a meeting. He was to rebuke the leaders for starting such an argument. He was to remind them that such arguments carried no profit even if they came to a perfect agreement, and as it stood it was upsetting the faith of some of the newer converts. Some of the new converts would say, If the church leaders cannot come to an agreement, who are we to hope to attain a knowledge of God's will?
We have imagined a situation which we feel is close to the reality of Paul's day.
The word, subverting, comes from the word from which we have catastrophe. Such a situation as just described is indeed a catastrophe.

2 Timothy 2:15. Timothy must be a workman, not a quibbler. The word, study, in the King James version, has been very misleading to a number of people. To use this as a proof text for Bible Study is to miss the point of Paul's words. The expression, give diligence, is much better; the thought relates to Timothy's attitude, not his practice. We hasten to add that if Timothy was to present himself approved unto God, a workman who needed not to be ashamed, handling aright the Word of truth; he doubtless meditated upon the word in order to so present himself, but the opening expression, give diligence, relates to his attitude in approaching the Word of truth,

We shall all one day be arraigned before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account. It will be then that we shall want the approval of the one before whom we stand. The thought of such an examination is back of the phrase, approved of God. Timothy was to conduct himself in his teaching and preaching in such a manner that on the great day of evaluation he would have nothing for which he should be ashamed. What a goal for every man of God!
In order to do this he must make a straight-forward use of the Word of Truth. We take this to be the meaning of the expression, handle aright the word of truth. In contrast to the empty chatter of the word, battles, Timothy is to offer a solid discussion of the revealed f acts of the Gospel.
A good deal of controversy has arisen over the meaning of handle aright; some feel it retains the root meaning of cutting straight. The meaning and application are the same if the root meaning is retained, or is not retained. Timothy will be approved of God when he makes the right use of the Word of truth.

2 Timothy 2:16. What shall be done with those teachers who persist in discussing the profitless points of Jewish tradition? Shun them; ignore them; when they approach you with a question, or attempt an audience with you, turn away from them. Be gentle and kind about it, but be positive and firm. It is not that Timothy or Paul were not interested in the concerns of others, for they were, but when divine truth was the issue, everyone except such persons as here described, knew God had revealed His Word through His inspired apostles and prophets, and anything else was profane, or empty. Such action is an imperative, for such teachings have within them the germ of Satan.

Do not allow their presence. To do so is to ask for an overthrow of the cause of Christ. Error has a terrifying potency for progress. Stop it before it starts!

The basic error of such teachers as here mentioned, is that they felt the traditions of men were of equal value with the Word of God. Our Lord has something to say about such persons; read Matthew 15:7-9.

2 Timothy 2:17.Somehow, in their study and argument concerning profane questions, these false teachers came to believe that the resurrection was already past. If this word was allowed to be taught, it would grow like gangrene. This term is medical in background; it means, literally, to find pasture. The spread of false teaching in the body of Christ is like the spread of gangrene in the physical body, and just as destructive,

Two examples of such false teachers are Hymenaeus and Philetus. We have heard of Hymenaeus before, in 1 Timothy 1:20; we cannot be positive that this is the same man, but it does appear more than likely. Of Philetus we know nothing.

2 Timothy 2:18. Evidently such men were equating the final resurrection with our new birth. A misapplication of Romans 6:1-4, or Colossians 3:13, would produce such a thought. Think of what implications are contained in this false word: (1) It would deny Christ's physical resurrection; (2) It would deny the possibility of the second coming; (3) The hope of the resurrection for believers would be gone; (4) All hope of meeting our dead loved ones is taken away; (5) We could not share in the Father's house of many mansions. No wonder such a teaching would overthrow the faith of the new ones in Christ in the city of Ephesus!

2 Timothy 2:19. What is the firm foundation of God? Is it the Gospel or the Church? If we are going to carry the figure of a workman in the house of God (the church), we would refer it to the church. Timothy is not to become discouraged in the face of apostasy, for the Lord's Church will stand though all Hell oppose it! Why refer to the Church as a foundation? In a basic sense, all members of Christ's Church are built upon the apostles and prophets (i.e., their teaching and preaching), Christ Jesus Himself being the chief cornerstone.

In another figure we can say we are builded in and upon one another. We believe Paul is saying here that a remnant or foundation will always be in the world. A solid core will always remain. There shall be two distinguishing marks of this foundation. One mark relating to God, the Lord knoweth them that are His, i.e., God does have His people in every age. When there are apostates and when there are not. The second mark relates to man, Let every one that nameth the name of the Lord depart from unrighteousness. In every age there have been those who loved the beauty of holiness and departed from the spirit of the present age, Timothy could look about him in Ephesus and read this inscription in the conduct of a good number. When the fruit of the Spirit is present in the conduct of men, it is reasonable evidence that they belong to Christ (Cf. Romans 8:9). To see the one, is to believe the other.

Fact Questions 2:14-19


What change is noted in these verses as compared with 2 Timothy 2:8-13?


What was the subject matter of the word-battles?


What was to be done when Timothy knew of such word-battles? Why was he to do this?


What is the meaning and import of the word, subverting?


Why not use 2 Timothy 2:15 a as a proof text for Bible study? What does it mean?


How does the thought of the day of judgment relate to 2 Timothy 2:15 b?


Give your explanation of the expression, handle aright the word of truth.


What shall be done with those teachers who persist in discussing the profitless points of Jewish traditions?


Was it not very narrow and unkind to shun certain persons? Explain.


Explain the meaning and application of the word, gangrene.


Who were Hymenaeus and Philetus?


What argument was probably used to show that the resurrection was already past?


How would such teaching spread? Didn-'t the saints at Ephesus have a knowledge of the truth?


What is the firm foundation of God?


Explain how the Church could be a foundation.


Discuss the twofold seal upon the foundation.


How did such information, as in 2 Timothy 2:19, encourage Timothy?

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