IN ARABIA. Acts 9:23 a. Galatians 1:17 a.

Acts 9:23

And when many days were fulfilled,

Acts 9:23 a There is but a sentence to tell us of this period in the life of Saul. The construction of the sentences in Galatians 1:17-18 would seem to indicate that the three year period spoken of had as its limitations the conversion of Saul and his return to Damascus; i.e. it was three years from his conversion to his return to Damascus from Arabia.

What Saul did while in Arabia has been the subject of no little discussion. It would seem to the writer in view of the commission given to him and of the immediate response to it in Damascus that Saul would have continued his preaching in the country of Arabia. The fact that there were numerous cities in the district of Arabia adjunct to Damascus, lends support to this contention. The governor of Damascus was under the authority of Aretas the king of Arabia (2 Corinthians 11:32). Indeed Damascus was but a city in the kingdom of Arabia. Hence, it would not be at all unusual to imagine Saul evangelizing this district. We agree with the thought that it would be inconsistent with the restless nature of the apostle to imagine him spending an extended period of time meditating in the desert of Arabia. Further than this such was not necessary in light of the fact that he received his message directly from God.


What one word describes the response of the Jews of Damascus to Saul's preaching?


Explain the meaning of the statement concerning the three year period


What did Saul do in Arabia? Why do you hold this opinion? What is spoken of in Galatians 1:18?


BACK IN-DAMASCUS. Acts 9:23 b - Acts 9:25. Galatians 1:17 b.

Acts 9:23 b

the Jews took counsel together to kill him:

Acts 9:24

but their plot became known to Saul. And they watched the gates also day and night that they might kill him:

Acts 9:25

but his disciples took him by night, and let him down through the wall, lowering him in a basket.

Acts 9:23 b - Acts 9:24 Upon returning to Damascus Saul evidently became so earnestly insistent in his preaching that the Jews determined that the only solution to their embarrassment was the death of this heretic. A plot was laid for his life. Through someone the news leaked out and the word was quickly carried to Saul. It would seem that the Jews knew of the fact that their plot had been discovered and so rather than to carry it out they watched carefully the city gates lest Saul should flee ere they could stay him, The guarding of the gates was with the sympathetic help of the governor.

Acts 9:25 The disciples soon knew of the guards at the gates and so came to Saul at night and effected his escape by letting him down over the wall in a basket (the same kind of basket spoken of in the feeding of the five thousand). Houses were built on the walls of many ancient cities. They were constructed in such a way that a portion of the house projected out over the edge of the wall. Such a construction would afford a perfect means of lowering a man as here described,


Explain the connection of the plot laid for Saul's life and the watching of the gates by the Jews.


How could it be possible that Saul was let down over the wall in a basket?


Explain the meaning of the terms his disciples as found in Acts 9:25 a.

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